X.200 Digital Production Console
During the installation process, you will see the exact same installation messages and pop-up screens that you
would see if you were loading the plug-ins on a regular PC running Windows XP. The target directory for loading
VST plug-ins is:
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Vstplugins\
Q. How do I authorize (or acquire licenses for) my VST plug-ins that I just loaded into the Digital X Bus?
A. Each VST manufacturer has its own method for authorization and/or issuing licenses for their particular plug-in.
The Digital X Bus does not interfere with these authorization schemes and will behave just like a regular PC run-
ning Windows XP in that regard. The Software Installer (under the File Menu) allows you to locate and run any
executable (.exe) fi le that is either attached via USB or that is located on your internal hard drive.
So, let’s say you want to authorize a Waves plug-in or bundle. You need to launch the Waves Authorizer application
(Authorizer.exe), which can be found in the “C:\Program Files\Waves\” folder. Once you launch that application,
you will be able to choose either the iLok or hard drive challenge/response method to authorize the plug-in(s).
Because the Digital X Bus cannot be connected directly to the Internet, you need to take note of any challenge/
identifi cation codes that are displayed on the Digital X Bus screens, copy them down, and use them through your
Mac or PC connection to the Internet to acquire your licenses or responses.
Please consult your third party’s plug-in documentation for complete information about how to authorize their
plug-in for XP.
Q. Can I read my plug-in manuals (in .pdf fi le format) right on the Digital X Bus?
A. The Digital X Bus is not an all-purpose computer, and hence it does not have Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, or any
other program that can read and display .pdf fi les. You need to open those fi les on your desktop or laptop computer
(Mac or PC) in order to see them. You can always print them to view in hard copy form as you use the plug-ins in
the Digital X Bus. You can also download plug-in documentation from the plug-in manufacturer’s web site.
Q. If I have already bought and licensed plug-ins for my computer, can I transfer those licenses into the Digital
X Bus?
A. The authorization/licensing process for each VST plug-in works exactly the same way in the Digital X Bus as it
would on a regular PC running Windows XP. Therefore your ability to transfer your existing plug-in licenses or
authorization(s) will depend on the licensing policies of the plug-in manufacturer.
Since we are only acting as a VST host application, we do not have the authority to authorize any third party plug-
in for use within the Digital X Bus…nor can we give you permission to transfer any existing plug-in licenses into
the Digital X Bus. We recommend you consult your plug-in manufacturer to see what your options are.
Q. Can I load DirectX plug-ins into the X.200?
A. Currently, DirectX plug-ins are not supported by the Digital X Bus.