Before the machine is homed or any further setup is completed we must calculate our steps per/unit and calibrate
the motors accordingly. MachMotion has a plugin to streamline this process.
1. If you know the gear ratios, ball screw pitch, etc of your machine, use the Automatic Calibration shown here:
1. Open Configure>Plugins>Machine Calibration
2. Select Automatic Calibration
3. For each axis, select the drive used for that axis, input the machine configuration, press Calculate,
then Accept
4. Close the calibration window
5. Open Configure>Plugins>Machine Calibration
2. If you do not know the gear ratios, ball screw pitch, etc of your machine, use the manual calibration shown
1. Select Manual Calibration
2. Select Commanded Distance
3. Input 1 in the 'Distance to move axis' field
If the machine is setup with metric units, enter 25.4 instead.
4. For each axis, do the following:
1. Setup a dial indicator for positive 1" machine travel
2. Enable the machine
3. Press the Move button
4. Input the distance actually moved in the 'How far did the axis move' field
If the machine is metric, be sure to enter distance traveled in millimeters
5. Press Submit, then Accept
With the motors calibrated, we can now home the machine and set up the software limits. Depending on the machine
type you may be required to still utilize the existing physical limit switches. Refer to your specific machine type
installation manual.
1. Carefully jog X and Y to the negative extremes of travel and the Z axis all the way up as shown in the picture
Units Calibration
Homing and Soft Limits