MSP40 / MSP50
5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN
Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: [email protected]
EM-4883 P. 9 / 18
Auto-setup is the function for automatically detecting the valve seat surface on the lower-end side and/or the upper-end side
and determining the lower-stop position and the upper-stop position of the actuator.
Alternatively, by specifying the stroke length, the upper-stop or lower-stop position can be set to, for example, 13.00 mm up-
ward/downward from the seated position.
The contraction of the seal spring in length on the lower-end side or the upper-end side is configured within the range of 0.1
mm to 1.2 mm in 0.1 mm increments.
Note that the ex-factory settings (e.g. Auto-setup type=0; Seal spring contraction= 0.1 mm; if not specified when ordering) can
be changed on PU-2x or via Modbus.
Refer to 13.9 Setting/executing Auto-setup on page 17 for parameter items to configure.
1) Turn ON SW1-8 to switch from Automatic Operation mode to Manual Operation mode.
2) Manipulate Manual operation buttons to move the actuator to an intermediate position.
Specifically, press [LOWER] or [UPPER] button to move the output stem about 2 mm (allowable if 1 to 4 mm) downward
or upward toward the middle position from the upper-end or the lower-end.
Note that the stem moves differently depending on whether SW1-4 is ON or OFF (factory-set to OFF).
Refer to the table in the section “FINE ADJUSTMENT AFTER AUTO-SETUP” for details.
3) Turn ON and OFF SW1-7 to start Auto-setup.
Alternatively, started Auto-setup by entering a command on PU-2x (ITEM=54, DATA=1, Enter) or via Modbus.
4) Auto-setup is performed.
STA LED blinks at 1 Hz while Auto-setup is in process.
Specific steps according to the Auto-setup type are as described in the table below.
5) Confirm that Auto-setup has been successfully completed (SAT LED blinks at 5 Hz for 3 seconds).
Turn OFF SW1-8 to end Auto-setup mode and switch back to Automatic Operation mode.
Note that the actuator immediately starts to operate in accordance with a value of input signal.
DO NOT touch the output stem and its vicinity, as it may cause serious injury to your hand or finger.
6) When Auto-setup has failed (ALM LED blinks at 5 Hz), clear error by any of the following methods, then revise the set-
• Turn ON and OFF SW1-7
• Enter a clear error command on PU-2x (ITEM=54, DATA=2, Enter) or via Modbus.
• Turn OFF and ON the power supply to the actuator unit.
• The Auto-setup type can be selected on PU-2x or via Modbus communication.
0: Lower seal spring
1) The output stem goes down until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the lower-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
2) The stem goes up until the valve contacts the seat surface or reaches the upper-end.
3) The stem goes down to the position reached in step 1).
4) The stem further compresses the seal spring downward from the seated position by the set
If no error occurs, the positions reached in step 2) and step 4) are saved as the upper-stop posi-
tion and the lower-stop position, respectively.
5) The stem moves to the 50% position between the upper-stop and lower-stop positions, then stops
to end Auto-setup.
1: Lower seal spring
Stroke specified
1) The output stem goes down until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the lower-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
2) The stem goes up toward the upper-end side by the specified stroke length.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve contacts the seat surface before reaching the specified
stroke length.)
3) The stem goes down to the position reached in step 1).
4) The stem further compresses the seal spring downward from the seated position by the set
If no error occurs, the positions reached in step 2) and step 4) are saved as the upper-stop posi-
tion and the lower-stop position, respectively.
5) The stem moves to the 50% position between the upper-stop and lower-stop positions, then stops
to end Auto-setup.