SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Precautions for Safe Operation of Class IV-High Power Lasers:
The following precautions should be observed when working with any
Class IV-high power laser system:
Wear protective eyewear at all times; correct selection depends on
the wavelength(s) and intensity of the laser radiation, the conditions
of its use, and the visual function required. Protective eyewear
vendors may be found online and are also listed in the buyer’s
guides published by industry journals such as Laser Focus World
(http://www.laserfocusworld.com), or Photonics Spectra
Establish a controlled access area for laser operation that blocks
laser emission beyond its perimeter, with appropriate automatic
safety interlocks that gate laser operation if tripped. Limit access to
those trained in laser safety and operation of the laser system.
Maintain a high ambient light level in the area in which the laser is
being operated. This keeps the eye’s pupil constricted, reducing the
possibility of eye damage.
Post prominent warning signs near the laser operation area (see
Figure 1 for examples).
Avoid looking toward or at the laser output beam, as even diffuse or
scattered reflections can be hazardous.
Avoid wearing jewellery or other objects, such as watches, that may
reflect or scatter the laser output beam.
Avoid blocking the output beam or its reflection with any part of the
body or flammable material.
Expand the beam whenever possible to reduce its optical power
Operate the laser at the lowest possible output beam intensity
commensurate with the application.
Set up the laser so that its beam path is either above or below eye
Provide enclosures for beam paths whenever possible.
Set up beam stops and shields capable of safely absorbing the
beam and any reflections, thus preventing any unnecessary
reflections, scattering or stray beams.
At all times during the operation, maintenance, or service of your
laser, follow the instructions in all manuals included with your system
to ensure its safe operation, and avoid unnecessary exposure to
laser or collateral radiation
that exceeds the accessible emission
limits as stated in
Performance Standard for Light Emitting Products
United States Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR 1040.10(d).
Collateral radiation is any electronic product radiation, except laser
radiation, emitted by a laser product as a result of, or necessary for, the
operation of a laser incorporated into that product.