Navigational page layout
Version 6.03, May 2017
Page 160 of 192
Vario Indicator
Vario Indicator symbol is displaying variometer values. While Vario Tape only shows speed
trend value, indicator displays more information.
Orange needle pointer on meter can indicate vario, netto, relative or speed to fly value,
depending on your settings and current mode. On the right side there is an icon that
displays current mode. When in Vario mode a circular arrow will be drawn and in SC mode
straight ascending line will be shown.
Red diamond shows average vertical speed. Blue arrow shows current MacCready value.
Green T pointer shows last thermal average value.
G-meter symbol shows current g-load value. It also displays minimum and maximum g-load.
At first, symbol is always visible, but it can be hidden automatically when bellow certain
value. You can configure this behaviour with changing “Show above” property.
Wi-Fi indicator
Show status of wireless network connection. If red cross is drawn over symbol that means
Wi-Fi adapter is not connected. Light blue circle means that wireless networks are available.
If connected to network, indicator will display signal strength.