LX Era
Device setup
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Club mode
The Club mode is used for setting up Club pilot profiles and editing them. By ’Club’ we mean
generic pilot profiles, which are password protected and can only be changed by a ’Club
manager’. Regardless, the same procedure can be used to password protect any pilot profile.
Even thought a profile is set as a ’Club profile’ changes will still be made, but not saved, if not
in ’Club mode’. For a detailed explanation, check the text below.
Engaging the Club profile:
1. Go to Setup
Password and type in ’02582’
2. Mark ’Club mode’ under ’Service’
3. Go to Pilot
mark ’Club profile’
The logic behind the club profile is that with this procedure, you lock it as is. However, this
does not mean that the profile can not be changed, but rather that no changes are permanent,
and after restart the changes will revert to the state you had your profile in, when it was locked
with the password.
Lets say you create your profile and set everything up. You lock it (set it as Club profile) with
the procedure above. Then after a few days another pilot flies the plane and wants to use your
profile, as it is a good one, but would like to change one thing, like the reserve altitude. He can
go to the Setup and change the reserve altitude and the system will use his reserve altitude
as long as it is turned on. This means he can go and fly and use the settings that he altered.
After he lands, extracts the flight and turns the device off, the settings will revert to the ones
you have set, so the next time you go flying, the reserve altitude will be the one you’ve set for
The only way to change your settings for good is to again type in the above password, and
then change them. The password is meant for a club administrator (’admin’).
If a new pilot profile is added, while in Club mode, it will not be saved, after the
device has been restarted.
Performs the shutdown sequence for the device.
If select while in flight, the Era will finish the flight and shut the device off.
Device manual