LX Era
Basic operation
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A word on internal battery and flight mode
All Era devices have a built-in reserve battery, intended for supplying the unit with power in
case your aircraft losses its main power supply. The reserve battery is not intended for use on
the ground, which is why the device can not be turned on, on reserve battery alone.
Flight mode is a term describing a state in which the Era is, when the device detects it is flying.
For getting into flight mode, one of the following parameters must be met:
GPS lock
is present, and
GPS speed
is above 10 m/s, or
larger than 10 m/s is present, or
significant movement in vertical speed
Once in flight mode, the Era will not turn off if the main power supply is cut, but continue
operating as long as there is internal power, or until the main power supply is reestablished.
The internal battery powers all of the internal features of the Era, which means everything
described in the manual. The Era will continue logging, with IGC seal intact, it will continue
providing you vario information, sound warnings, complete navigation, etc.
External modules, such as Flarm, Flap sensor, Joy, etc. will not work, as they require the main
power supply.
If you wish to turn the Era off, while in flight mode, you will have to exit the flight mode by going
Logbook/Flight statistics page
, pressing the lower push-rotary (
) knob and confirm
the ’Finish flight’ question. The Era will check the integrity and seal the flight and turn off, if no
external power is present.
A sure way of knowing if the Era is in flight mode is to go to the Statistics/Logbook page. If the
Statistics page is present, with the barograph present, the Era is in flight mode.
You can simulate flight mode, while on the ground, by receiving a GPS lock and applying slight
dynamic pressure to the
pressure port (or front entrance of Pitot tube), so the IAS is
above 10 m/s for about 5 seconds. You can keep the Era in flight mode by then disconnecting
the GPS antenna, or by keeping the IAS constantly above 10 m/s.
For notes on how to take care of your Era’s reserve battery, check the
section of this manual.
Great caution should be exercised when applying pressure for IAS simulation, as
the internal pressure sensor of the Era, and other avionics, may get damaged if
excessive pressure is applied, water is present in the Pitot-static system, or
similar. LX navigation is in no case liable for any damages that may appear when
simulating and strongly discourages simulating flight mode while grounded.
However, if a simulation has to be done, the steps above are the safest.
Device manual