StarGuide Maxi
LUX LUMEN - Kernenergiestraat 53A - 2610 WILRIJK - BELGIUM
350 mA
T: +32 3 293 35 50
External connections
DC power input
Safety precautions
Never connect the live power on the input terminals of the Railing-led unit!
In case of doubts, contact your point of sale.
The StarGuide Maxi led-unit is polarity sensitive. So observe polarity and
colour cabling:
Red = positive
Black = negative
Power supply: Rated current
The rated input current of the Railing unit is 350 mA DC. Verify that the
power supply has a current controlled output. If you are not sure do not
connect the power supply! In case of doubt, please contact your point of
Power supply: Rated voltage
A StarGuide Maxi led-unit consumes approximately 1 watt power, which
results at 350 mA at a forward voltage of ±2.8 to 3.2 Volt.