StarEye Maxi RGBW
LUX LUMEN - Kernenergiestraat 53A - 2610 WILRIJK - BELGIUM
T: +32 3 293 35 50
RMA procedure
To send material back to Lux Lumen, you need a RMA (Return Material
Authorization) document that you will receive from Lux Lumen.
Without the RMA document, we cannot accept the material.
The procedure to obtain a RMA:
Step 1:
Customer contacts Lux Lumen about warranty, defects if material has to be
Step 2:
Lux Lumen sends the customer a filled out RMA document (using a unique
RMA number)
Step 3:
Customer sends material (include a copy of the RMA document with the
Step 4:
Lux Lumen evaluates and informs the client if repair is under warranty, or -if
not - makes an offer for repair to the client.