Introducing the Sunwire ribbon calculator
While it is often difficult to predict some things
about the solar industry, you can now rely on
the Sunwire ribbon calculator to calculate your
solar ribbon needs.
Knowing your solar ribbon is critically
important to solar module efficiency and life
cycle. Solar ribbon width and thickness have
to be carefully adapted to accommodate the
limitations of module materials. In addition,
the yield strength, thickness and width of
solar ribbon can directly influence production
yields and decrease cell to module (CTM)
losses by 20-30%.
But what if you could go one step further?
What if you could optimise the amount of
Sunwire ribbon per spool to accommodate
the speed of your tabbing machine or shift
changes? What if you could optimise the
module materials and Sunwire ribbon for
improved module efficiency and reduce
overall material costs?
Now you can.
Calculate with
Sunwire Calculator:
• ribbon weight
• ribbon length per spool
• ribbon length per solar panel