ASL 1000 & PRO 1000 Troubleshooting Guide
Phone: +1-252-353-4354 Press Option 2
Fax: +1 252-353-4353
Email: [email protected]
Lunasee, LLC • 500 Red Banks Rd. – Suite C • Greenville, NC 27858 USA • tel +1 252 353 4354 • fax +1 252 353 4353
Please take the following troubleshooting steps to help isolate any problems with your system:
Check Controller Power Light
. Check to make sure the Controller power light is coming on. If
not, check your power connections to make sure power is getting to the Controller.
Check Polarity
. Check to make sure all LEDpod wires are plugged into the Controller correctly
– (white wire to positive and black wire to negative).
Check Connections
. Check all wire connections at the Controller to make sure they are solid.
Make sure the wire insulation is not interfering with wire connection. Check any wiring
connections with the switch, fuse, etc. to make sure connections are solid.
Check Wires for Damage
. Check your LEDpod wires from the LEDpod all the way to the
Controller to make sure the wire has not been damaged anywhere. If your wire has been located
next to any metal objects with an edge or any hot surfaces (exhaust/engine), it could wear down
or melt the wire.
If your system is wired correctly, and you do not discover any problems in Steps 1-4 that resolve your
problem, proceed to Steps 5 and 6 to check your LEDpods and Controller.
Troubleshooting LEDpods – Background
The Controller is designed to power each pair (Ports 1&2 and 3&4) in a series. This means
LEDpods MUST be plugged into Ports 1 AND 2 (or similarly 3 AND 4) for EITHER of the
LEDpods to work. This means:
A single LEDpod plugged into either pair without plugging in the second in the pair
NOT function
. Do not assume there is a problem with your LEDpod or Controller with
ONE damaged/defective LED IN A PAIR will likely cause BOTH in the pair not to
function. Do not assume that because 2 LEDpods are not working in a pair that BOTH
are defective. It could be that only one of the LEDpods is damaged or defective.
Troubleshooting LEDpods - isolating a defective LEDpod in a pair
[Note: It is not necessary to remove your LEDpods or your Controller to perform these
troubleshooting steps]
First, find a pair of LEDs that are working by plugging one LED into Port 1 and one LED
into Port 2. Turn on the system. If either or neither of these LEDs work, then replace ONE of
the LEDs with another LED until you find a pair that work.
One you have a pair that work, then please note or mark those accordingly.
Then replace the LED in Port 2 with one of the unmarked LEDs. If the pair works, then mark
the LED in Port 2 accordingly. If the pair does not work, or LED in Port 2 does not work,
then mark the LED in Port 2 as defective.
Continue until you have identified which specific LEDs may be defective/damaged and
which ones are OK.