Lumens VS-LC102 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 57




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Содержание VS-LC102

Страница 1: ...ownload tilingual http w U VS ptureV the lates user ma please www Mylu User Ma S LC1 Vision st versio anual so e visit Lu umens c anual 02 n Stat n of Quic ftware o umens com supp Englis tion ck Start or driver port php sh Guide etc ...

Страница 2: ... Panel D d I O Desc eys Descri dicator Int Control B m Requir evices mended De ction for Connect etup Function Menu struction Function Configura tem Informa eo Source S work Setting ord Setting al Storage S out Manage ture Manage to Manager edule Mana nt Log ut Page Des Configura nge Host Na nge System able o tions ents view Descriptio criptions iptions troduction uttons De rements evices r instal...

Страница 3: ... age Func Instructio ctor Introdu ctor Instruc ctor Screen Instructio ic Recording nge Display ert Key Note work Camer er Recording bpage Langu Page Fun scription dvanced Automatic Up FTP Con kup Setting P to Share RTP Sharing rt RTP Shari w Screen Sh Online Dire ive stream ble the YouT ate a live eve figure VS L mera ment her Video in Setting ment ger er ynote me and Pas g uage ction Des ons ucti...

Страница 4: ...Inse 10 4 2 Mod 10 4 3 Use 5 PPT Inst 10 5 1 Insta 10 5 2 Inter 11 Tro ent 1 rt live stream nd Use Key ert Key Note dify Index Key Notes tallation an allation rface Descri oublesho ming y Notes s nd Instruc iption ooting ctions 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 3 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 0 2 ...

Страница 5: ... ation ptics Inc A currently be mitting this f ss copying product Lu ecifications notice w this produ mpanies wi ns Digital O r omissions g this file u All rights re eing registe file is not a g this file is umens Dig s without p uct should thout any Optics Inc s nor resp using or op eserved ered by Lu allowed if a s for the pu ital Optics prior notice be used t intention o is neither ponsible fo ...

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Страница 7: ... Appe dependi er 2 Pa VS LC102 ower Adap earance may ing on count ackag 2 pter y vary ry region e Con Quick ntents Installatio Battery x Quick Installation Gu n Guide 4 uide R D Remote Co DIDO conne ontrol ector 6 ...

Страница 8: ... Pow ord Play P Down Left wer Switch the USB d ware updat ptions ction Des 2A A HDMI dev e Compatib ce image in A HDMI dev MIC devic ws line aud B eSATA in access mage input Connect to t perations 232 contro et to factor rview ns criptions e control re wer Pause Stop Right Retu drive to ins te through criptions vice image ble with DVI put vice image ce Audio In dio out to a nterface for t for IP c...

Страница 9: ...ove Execu windo Retur oduction isplay tays lit R s lit I n rnately S ays lit S light A en light R Record tion Desc on and off recording video Paus playback E Main Men ge channe ge monitor up down l ute item in ow during p rn to the pr n Recording In standby Startup in Startup co Abnormal Receiving riptions se video du Exit recordi nu Playbac els r layout du left right an the menu playback revious ...

Страница 10: ...Ex B D provi eys Cam Start Capt Enter escriptio nt the remote e signal is su ange is within l commands becomes av ction Desc on and off matic outp xit export U D Function ided on ea era PRES t recording ture screen r Exit Men ons e control at th ccessfully re n 10 m become inva vailable once criptions f put resolutio USB drive n keys ple ch SET setting nshot and s u he infrared re ceived The alid ...

Страница 11: ...l c 02 Adjust era Fine t 02 Switch era Adjus off sound lay detailed ng playbac pters mark Key n rehand to a nging scree video Pre o se video pl video play to previou erved erved erved era Retur era Set de era Zoom era Zoom criptions previous me or layout du up down le e camera l vate menu s or dialogu w witch betwe channels volume tune image layout cha st image siz d video inf ck select k notes mu...

Страница 12: ...ifier x 1 er x 1 ark The n onment ne ystem product re browser Version 03 and ab 9 and abov 1 and abov 1 and abov pplicable o Speed Mo es 1 r Laptop x Giga route bcam x 1 3 es x 3 5 A cable x 2 x 1 ded Dev umber of eeds m Requ emotely vi bove ve ve ve only ode x 1 rs are rec 3 e g VC 2 ices connected uireme a the Inte Windo Yes Yes NA Yes commende C A20P x 3 d devices ents ernet plea Operati ows s ...

Страница 13: ...r inst uctions to ect ower cord mage outpu MI IN VGA e devices ca ice such as OUT to H s not availab specificatio udio input c r or microp udio output r eSATA e WAN port to LC102 connect the ect the com allatio connect y ut cable of t IN to esta an be used s cameras o DMI of the ble on the T on of the TV cable of a l phone t cable of a external ha o the router e computer mputer to a on your devic ...

Страница 14: ...t an onnect to t e initial us nect the RS escription ection De igital I O Pin 1 2 3 4 5 work settin IP camera the compu e please c S232 devic ns escription NO gs a e g VC ter directly connect th ce ns DIDO Function Gnd CTS RxD RTS TxD A20P as t y for online e port for f O connect RxD CTS TxD RTS Gnd the image e managem further ope tor 1 input ment for erations 13 ...

Страница 15: ... s the ddress indi tings A20P Netw ble to conn ction diagra ENU and press DHCP sett t the DHC dress is s A20P devic 68 100 x e dresses and to exit the s related to d download below ple ed 2 IP Addre the VS LC d press O d press O button to cates 169 1 work Sett nect the VC am for the on the VC to e ings scree P settings set as 192 ces are inst e g 192 16 d completi OSD menu VC A20P o the VC A20 ase...

Страница 16: ...ttin 102 LAN po uter s Intern browser it 102 IP add onfiguratio 102 Admin n 102 Webp ng please d ort and set t net browse is recomme dress e g on n usernam page Inc directly conn to automati er ended to us http 192 1 e and pass l log in nect the com cally obtain se Firefox o 168 1 150 sword mputer to th n IP address or Safari for default IP a 1 he s r MAC address VS LC102 IP Address 15 ...

Страница 17: ...pply th evice statu e has been stem Conf The time difications s ge Setting us and then to forma he storage on Note B ard drive e instructio p to connec torage to d to cycle dest data w he system t USB eSAT uilt in hard r the exter he settings us changes n successf figuration can be ma are requir n configure at the hard e device for Backup har n below to ct to a cam mount the hard drive will be aut...

Страница 18: ...the searc Select the er the VC A ministrator ssword 999 ck Submit mera urce Setti covery an ch is comp e A20P acco admin 99 t and wait ng nd then Re plete the a ount name t until the c efresh available ca and passw camera sta amera will word atus chang be shown ges to OK 1 in the 17 ...

Страница 19: ...pply ttings e Setting a el 1 and s Port in V era Sele ble image in e upper rig to apply th and set the elect Com ideo Settin ect camera nput for CH ght to close he settings e video sou mputer as ng and HD H3 and CH e the settin urces for C s the chann DMI1 or VG H4 ngs window CH1 CH2 nel name VGA1 in Vi w 1 CH3 press ideo Port 18 ...

Страница 20: ...ree 2 4 Settin button on es are con tly applied button on according preferably se he settings g Line In to put Screen Co r yout 9 se yout 9 se out Manag the above s ttings ens If the s ngs Image n the remot sistent wit d Press n the remo to the outp elected o a microp nfiguratio ets of style ets of style gement fo settings ar screen is d e Input Set te control a h the settin again to ote control p...

Страница 21: ... and rep ynchronized exit video exit screen leted once h the settin again Function test the Ca ngs Confi properly ins e control to tion test the rec m hard driv control to a g Recordin g on to confirm mote contro ocal Storag by date S e browser by date S rd screen o are synch Recording peat the re d playback n e the above ngs Blue i n to exit apture Scre rm hard d stalled o take a sc cording fun v...

Страница 22: ...nct u Local Storage Live Broadcas tion Des Record e st scriptions Start R Export Delete s ecord Lecture Lecture Setting Abo Rec Volu Scre Adju Outp Res PPT Lan Netw Stre out cord Setting ume een ustment put solution T Index guage work eaming 21 ...

Страница 23: ...tion lt Turn Off Scan 1080 16 9 720 16 9 1024 5 4 768 4 3 nnect with PC paired PC rol to enter Read sto Broadcas other VS For relate 10 2 Use Start Rec Export st Delete st e e Change Set reco Set input Adjust sc hue Network Adjust m C The conn Index so connectio VS LC10 available r the setting Function ored videos o st the video d S LC102 ed settings a e RTP to Sha cording tored videos tored video...

Страница 24: ...n nder recor ec Display ion Displa Display the e Display rding Time ming Disp ay key note e 2 6 Switc ayout 1 4 Recor rding layou 2 Directo panel inst nshots o e remote c ack Pres ocal Stora sired imag urn to reenshot Control P nshot ding Control P ording prev cording ording e remote c rd Press Record P ng rding prev y current re ay current e location o the free sp e Display lay networ e insertion...

Страница 25: ...r rele ol quentially s u on the ect Settin ect Recor Layout an select the o exit Press e insertion peration rel Notes yout CH1 full scr ired 9 layo as desired tructions control or t select layo display pr channels yout set to CH nnels as de ne layout s evant instru switch the e remote c g Press rd Setting nd press O e Record S to pa n Press C ated to key reen by de out style p Please ref the panel...

Страница 26: ...tting een resolu ol tomatically u de n mode mote contro nel to full s e nel is a cam s Display ca select the c ontrol to cy Fit to Width e A w A w and A w ge R splay E gs ution to ma y detect the ol to select screen mod era the VS an be indep channel to ycle throug h Fill Letter Adjust to chan window Adjust to chan window Adjust to chan window Restore to ori Enlarge chan atch the ou e optimal s ch...

Страница 27: ...etect and pported by th nd Adjust ast satura and vividn e remote c g Press n Adiustm and adjust v e monitor bec ue ites and blac ntrast value or purity incr erwise the c reen become screen beco store to defa Volume Ad e remote c g Press me Press and adjust output control or p OK to en ess OK to resolution Desc d switch to th e output dev tment ation and ness of the control or p OK to en ment Pres ...

Страница 28: ... ac ect Recor ect Expor ve to the d selection n be selecte cel all sele ort Press ethod FTP mat MP4 ncel course elete lectu button ect Recor ect Delete ve to the d ture be exporte ily e storage B port on th during expo canceling ccess the m rd Press rt Lecture desired ima l selection ed for in a ections Confirm e export ested for vie FTP connection FTP Conn ccess the m rd Press rt Lecture desired ...

Страница 29: ...ele to sele xit the wind hange the button ect Functio ect Langua ect the des dow Press e menu la n on the re on Setting age Settin sired langu Confirm anguage emote cont Press O g Press uage Press to delete trol or pane OK to ente OK to ent s Confirm Press Ca el to acces er ter m to apply ancel to ss the 28 ...

Страница 30: ...150 System Co e VS LC102 min d admin g in to en unction uration ent enable settings he setting in wser on the 0 onfiguratio 2 Admin us nter the Sys n Desc n es users and data gs in Syst e PC and e on sername a stem Conf criptio to manag a storage tem Conf enter the IP and passwo figuration on Sy ge basic s e figuration P address o ord ystem system s n follow t of VS LC1 m ettings the below 02 e g ...

Страница 31: ...ord Ent acters Displ elect the dis et startup mo on d settings a the adjustm ion e host device defined dev of the host d ected time zo me can be a ctor Viewer om username custom pas ter again the lay the keyst play screen ode are adjuste ments e ice descriptio device one adjusted ma Change Us e for System ssword for Sy custom pass trokes onscre n during star ed press A on anually auto sername and ...

Страница 32: ...eo S urce Setting Video So 2 Audio so scovery Network network ource Se g ource Video ource Set i k Camera N cameras etting o priority nput output etwork came t audio era list includ ding located connected and previously connecte 31 ed ...

Страница 33: ...ate IPs based anually enter udio delay tim ugh Activat s played bac smitted from edback s can be inse Check to ena and Use Key SC or PAL c d on the con r network info me after video te Deactivate ck if audio fro m the same sp erted manual able PPT ind y Notes can be select nected route ormation o is transmitt e line out loo om the speak peaker in th ly or automa dex software ted er ted p through A...

Страница 34: ...rk MP4 ding formats ion from the d a head or ta omatically up ndow For oth To add name P multicast an Share Scree ding formats Large film sit Medium film Small film sit Large film sit Medium film Small film sit Large film sit Medium film Small film sit Large film sit Medium film Small film sit Large film sit Medium film Small film sit To customize window and user cus pull down m ail to the vide pl...

Страница 35: ...lect When tw Manager ut Select the trol t Select the Manage layou e layout tem etting storage devic ge Save rec abling the cy wo or more s e default scre default reco ut templates plates ce cord file ycle record fu storage devic een display la ord screen lay unction can p ces are insta ayout the lay yout the layo prevent reco alled the prio yout can be out can be ch ording error w ority of the de ...

Страница 36: ... 1 Ph Lecture cture Inform Photo M oto Manage Manager mation Reco Manager er Sorted by r Configu ord lecture ta y date delete uration ables edit d e and downlo elete and do oad images ownload lectu ure informatio on 35 ...

Страница 37: ...9 1 Sc 7 1 10 1 Bro Schedu hedule Man Event Lo owse event m le Manag nager Pre se og message wa er Config et when to st arning and e guration tart recording error logs g and edit le ecture inform mation 36 ...

Страница 38: ...7 1 11 1 Fir 2 Ex 3 Imp About P rmware Upd port Export port Select Page Desc ate Update t settings and upload cription product firm update file mware 37 ...

Страница 39: ... be set R ration on Chang t to apply c on Chang e Choose me select T ck Apply ually Sele me fields C then Video tting image ted for the 2 When eit witches to t era the co Refer to 7 2 e host nam change e date and e NTP serv Time Zone at the bot ect the corr Click Appl o Source e port of th image capt ther VGA o the signal s onnection s 2 4 Connec me and des d time usin ver to chan e and chec ttom ...

Страница 40: ...s g and then image port o e channel ima nnel Configu e right of des p right of the deo Source urce Settin ed to the hos ck Refresh is detected o ttings enter eld will be ch s the Video Video Sou of the image ages in Vide uration to a sired network window to e to apply sett ng Came st to detect ne or added the usernam hanged to o Source rce Click o capture inpu eo Source to access Sele k camera in ...

Страница 41: ...a onc nformation an oom in out le adjustmen lt Camera L to change p le to default s Camera Se amera Pos source setti e Click to in Video S ource Settin sword to conn ce the login d nd brightness nt Lens Positio present settin position ettings ition ngs accordin remove cam Source Clic ng Select th nect the netw details are ac s settings on Adjust len ng ng to 7 2 4 2 mera connect ck in th he camera...

Страница 42: and k Insert Log OK on the b ark Click ad End to V to open t the video fil ent ting and Line in geable nd HDMI2 audio sour is set acco her Video etting o Video ss the logo u n of image in e d return to R go bottom right to view su ideo n the upload es to be inse n 2 input a audio cha rce can be ording to th in a Vide ploader the drop dow Record Settin of Save Se upported file window erted udio ...

Страница 43: ...g follow the t hard disk Click Yes age box to drive will er data on the epending o rd disk is fo rage Che ce it is mou When the overwritten informatio elect accor USB1 eSAT ottom right Note The hen two or g Video tting to app formats e following and click to begin fo complete t rase all the hard drive b on hard disk rmatting ecking this unted hard drive by the new on rding to the TA SATA to comple...

Страница 44: ...tart ment yout This ates m the top se nel into the r con is availa eely enlarge ll Window t is configure eview at any window e ection right section able at the bo shrink or m to maximize d click Sav y time to view nables use ottom right co move the fram the channel ve on the bo w the output ers to add orner of the g me on the outpu ttom right to screen or c delete or grey frame in ut screen comple...

Страница 45: ...e preset and he bottom of ayout Rec e of the 9 pre ick Select out recording th e Display La ayout with t ut aligned wit d user define the layout A cord Layou esets at the bottom he layout is d ayout for ins the display th the displa d layouts A reminder w t m The layou defined by th structions y layout y layout for c will appear C t window wil he online dire consistent sc Click OK to l appear Se e...

Страница 46: ...y er Manager to hedule e to open the the lecture pply the setti he recordin e already set tion is comple delete a spec r nager Th tion and ke click A heck Enabl the display la out synchron o book rec e Add sche set the recor ng ng schedul to open the ete press A cific recordin his window ey notes A reminder w e record lay ayout nize display cording time edule page rding start an le schedule se App...

Страница 47: ...lick Usernam e click A wnloaded file mation click to to complete ynote nd click ynote Ente Select the Confirm me and Pa A reminder w e format is o access Ed e editing to acces er title in e keynote a to delete assword will be presen mp4 Please dit Lecture Inf ss Edit Le and click keynote ted Click O e use Video P formation E ecture Info and cli A rem OK to downlo Playback Sof Enter lecture ormatio...

Страница 48: ...o p image accept cha should be a ork Setting e type of n iguration c at the botto ges in once the age at the botto switch the o raditional C on nd passwo k Apply o to show t s properly e administra on o open the nges 1280 x 720 g network ch change the om right on e IP addres om right of operating l Chinese S ord into Sy on the botto he charact set ation accou uploader w 0 png file heck either e IP...

Страница 49: ... tor director In to acce of the Fire Follow the ge Fun on enable irector fu er on the P director use ess the Onl eBreadthe instruction nction es users unctions PC and ente ername an line directo d VLC plu ns present n Desc to record following er the VS nd passwor or gin will be ed onscree cription d or chan g the belo LC102 IP a rd promoted en to insta n Dire nge record ow instru address e on init...

Страница 50: ...8 1 Inp Ch Director Ins 1 Director I put Output Volume annel Display structions Introduction e Control Recording Displ Camera Con ay Layout trol Pre Self D eset Recording Di Defined Display La 49 splay ayout ...

Страница 51: ...p Recording arge channe course infor e Snapshot Key Note Set Recording an display layou ut Preview L ation anguage Lo ions each channe output audio view also off ng l to fit the win mation and Auto Keyno gle control L uts rapid sw Layout Self g Out el o volume adj fers recording ndow it must be co ote Time Lumens netw witching betw f defined rec justment g and snaps ompleted bef work camera een la...

Страница 52: sele ivate Deactiv he speaker is ance deactiva y time after v ng intervals e ers 15 encod ng storage lo ers 15 encod RTP multicas Live Broadc ons Rec ected vate line out s picked up b ate line out lo video is trans If 1 second i ding formats ocation ing formats a st and online cast Functio cord Setti loop through by the microp oop through smitted is selected a and user cu and user cus e streami...

Страница 53: ...Notes m Click d Set ons Operatio rt recording se recordi p recording Layout ween display ght template ding Display Layout tab on onfiguration o set the vario r the display mplate on the onfiguration o set the vario r the display s while re ons g ng g y layout cha e to rapidly sw y Layout n the bottom ous used cha layout is set e bottom righ ous used cha layout is set ecording to to automa annels w...

Страница 54: ...e eed of cam Angle Cli Zoom O sition can be k Camera In s Output R in Storag a Output R hanged in hen chang IP address use other nd view sy TP to Sha sting Whe ction addre starting rec ve Broadc om right of operating l Chinese S keynote is a or deleted ote for deta o 4 to switc n the right t center pos mera lens ck Preset Out e changed i nformation Resolution ge Encode Resolution Streamin ging Str...

Страница 55: ...the s to log in e web brow 2 168 1 150 Viewer e VS LC102 wer d viewer gin to ent age Fu e or down settings i n wser on the 0 2 Viewer u ter the View unctio load video in System e PC and e username a wer page n Des os in this m Configur enter the IP and passw criptio page ration foll P address o word on Vi low the be of VS LC1 iewer elow 02 e g 54 ...

Страница 56: ...9 9 1 Page 1 Cour 2 Chan e Descri rse List Pro nge screen la iption ovide course anguage Log online viewin g Out ng and down nload 55 ...

Страница 57: ...S Please en se enter th assword t MP4 for edule Up ion Test t pply conne le Recordi the lower r Funct ding Bac for the first h FTP setu into the sy g Record Ba ting SFTP nter FTP c he existin Please en rmat load after to confirm ction settin ing Backup right corne tion M ckup t time all c p after the ystem adm ackup to o onnection g FTP fold nter the FT recording the FTP co ng p to turn o er to ap...

Страница 58: ... sword Set Upload the ule Pull do e shutdow s set that a ated appro ploading nnection IP destination Anonymous t the desire backup vi own menu wn a backup is ximately 3 P address a n FTP doe s Login ed login ac ideo forma to set the s performe minutes a and port nu s not requ ccount and at backup sta ed after rec after the rec umber ire any use password art time A cording sto cording is ername an ...

Страница 59: ...en sharing ing ter conne ftware can nection me etwork LA se a LAN c cated in th LC click N ed will app into the sy hange St ulticast Scene HD right corne ation page tup is com Control P rding previ cording an cording sc started th g ction and be used fo ethods AN Conne connection he same se Network Str ear in the ystem adm reaming S D 1280 x 7 er to apply t plete you anel iew screen nd provide cre...

Страница 60: ...address button on etting and k Streamin Media in th er the netw ection and n the remo ayback P ve Broadc Return or RTP sha log into the ng in the s follows P Multicast e Dynami er right cor ng and to d view plea ped the sc s n the VS LC d press OK ng Address he list at th work stream d Viewing ote control Press OK ast Press to exit aring setu e Online D upper righ c Scene H rner to sav start shari...

Страница 61: ...e YouT s s VS L L p re P S s It allows yo To start Complete Tube live Launch YouTube live Create live schedule get server address LC102 se Log in admin page to modify record setup Playback Start recording function in VS LC102 Start live streaming ou to live s streaming t etup g tream via Y g YouTube o online The 60 e ...

Страница 62: ...10 3 1 Log Sele Click Enable t in your Yo ect My Ch k Live Eve he YouTu ouTube acc annel ents E ube live s count Video Ma Enable live streaming nager streaming g g 61 ...

Страница 63: ...nte complete th enter your er the verif he account r mobile ph fication cod t verificatio hone numb de received on select h ber d to compl how you lik ete the pro ke to receiv ocess ve the verif fication cod 62 de ...

Страница 64: ...0 3 2 Crea Sele click Create a ate a live e ect the Cu k Create e live even event Sche stom Type event nt edule a ne e then ent ew event ter the star rt time end d time and title of the e event and 63 d ...

Страница 65: ...opy a L Copy th ingestion uggested encoders and paste i e data in t bitrate in t under Sel nto your e he two sec he content lect encod encoder ar ctions and t capture s er re Stream paste into setup Any Name an VS LC102 bitrate larg nd Primary 2 ger than y Server 64 ...

Страница 66: ... in You enter the er URL rtm LadibugU System Ad g function i 102 he VS LC1 page and m asting c Scene SD uTube URL The mp a rtmp US k6k4 qg dministrati in VS LC1 102 s Syste modify the D 720x48 main serv YouTube gsj vq32 4 on page 02 using o em Admini setting as 0 This se er website com live2 6mw online direc stration pa below etup need t e and strea cting or a re age to match y aming nam emote con...

Страница 67: ...h e streami ouTube s V s page and y Channel select Sh h this chan ng Video man d start live and you c hare to see nel ager and streaming can see th e links for open Live g he schedule sharing T e Control R ed stream his link is p Room You setting on provided to u can take the right o allow oth 66 a er ...

Страница 68: ... Addi e above me managemen e administra modification k an index adding aut king which el Press e control to og in VS LC g page ch interval to the functio ote wer right co istration pa eting the s me interva ly added d are Please structions click to S LC102 d he program multiple VS o connect rding finished p equentially ing ethods ke nt Please ation page n please r for video s tomatic tim h are des...

Страница 69: ...ill appea Instructio load PPT e downloa on wizard w n instructio ion st of the av arch for the ge languag he software a key note tially Pres ext key no ph Press th ar press ons Indexer so aded and th will guide y on through vailable VS e available ge and del e to directly s the butto otes he button to sele oftware at hen click P you throug the installa S LC102 VS LC102 lay time fo y jump to a on o...

Страница 70: ...elay 3 Reset ttings Scre ge Langua y Settings t to the de een age Suppo Chine The delay efault valu ort English ese y time for a ue h Tradition adding a k al Chinese ey note aft e and Sim ter slide ch plified hanges 69 ...

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Страница 72: ...ol uses aced nearby nal of the rem es m uses the Fir formation fail stalled Refe l screwdriver veral seconds n a browser ge and conf tart PPT Inde e settings an will mark vide ically upload files manual please refe n of the reco a single reco rent manual ecedence ove eduled recor n um duration panel keys b s infrared sig e g infrare mote control reBreadthed ls to load thi r to Chapter r to press t...

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