MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
Feature Reference
Issue 1
June 1997
Page 438
and later systems, the system manager, through system programming, must allow
the QCC extension to access those pool dial-out codes that it needs. A QCC
operator can be assigned to receive calls on lines/trunks assigned to pools.
Feature Interactions
Account Code Entry
When Forced Account Code Entry is assigned to an extension and the
user tries to dial an outside call on a Pool button without entering the
account code, the call does not go through.
A line/trunk jack used for a maintenance alarm cannot be assigned to a
Auto Dial
Pool dial-out codes cannot be programmed on inside Auto Dial buttons. A
pool dial-out code can be programmed on an outside Auto Dial button
when a telephone number is also included. However, depending on the
local telephone company, Pause characters may be required before the
telephone number. Enter Pause characters by pressing the Hold button.
Maintenance Busy
To provide optimal performance, Automatic Maintenance Busy should be
enabled when a Hybrid/PBX system includes pools.
Automatic Route
ARS ensures appropriate and cost-effective use of pools. ARS and the
dial-access-to-pools restriction function independently of each other. If
ARS restrictions are programmed to allow access to a pool, the user may
seize a pool that the extension is not allowed to use under existing pool
dial-access restrictions.
In Hybrid/PBX mode, Callback can be used to complete calls to outside
numbers only when all lines/trunks in the pool are busy.
Caller ID
If the LS-ID Delay option is programmed on a 2-way line, the system does
not seize a line from a pool for an outgoing call when that line is receiving
an incoming call.
Calling Restrictions
Specific pools can be restricted from use for outgoing calls by assigning a
pool dial-out code restriction to extensions. In Release 3.1 and later
systems, the factory setting is for all pool dial-out codes to be restricted
for all users.
Calls received on a sender’s Pool button programmed for Immediate
Ring or Delay Ring are eligible for Individual or Group Coverage.
CTI Link
When an MLX extension is programmed as a CTI link, dial access to
pools is removed from the extension.
Digital Data Calls
If a videoconferencing system is programmed to have a single Pool
button, two calls to that pool result in a 1B data call. However, if two
separate pools are assigned to a videoconferencing system extension,
then a 2B data call can be established. If the communications system
includes two or more 2B data devices that share the same two pools,
incoming 2B data calls can be answered by the wrong device.
When a pool dial-out code is included in the telephone number for a
Personal or System Directory listing, Pause characters may be required
following the pool dial-out code, depending on the local telephone
company. Pause characters are entered by pressing the Hold button.