MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
Feature Reference
Issue 1
June 1997
Page 430
Table 30.
Types of Pickup
Individual Pickup
Individual Pickup can be used in the following ways:
Extension Pickup. From the display, select
and then dial the
extension number of the call to be picked up. Alternatively, a programmed
Individual Extension Pickup button can be set to pick up calls on one
specific extension. If that extension has more than one call, the first call
sent to the extension is picked up. To pick up a call parked by an operator,
from the display or press the programmed Individual
Extension Pickup button; then dial the park zone.
Line Pickup. From the display, select
, then dial the line number
(801–880) to select a specific outside line from which to pick up a ringing or
held call. Alternatively, a programmed Individual Line Pickup button can be
set to pick up calls on one specific line. Line Pickup also can be used to
make announcements through the loudspeaker paging system.
General Pickup. Multiline telephone users can program a general-purpose
Pickup button to pick up calls on either extensions or lines. When a general
Pickup button is used, enter the line or extension number for the call to be
picked up every time the button is used.
Group Pickup
Group Pickup is used to answer a ringing call for any member of the group either
by dialing the Group Pickup code or pressing a programmed Group Pickup button.
It is not necessary to know the extension number or line number of the ringing
call. The system automatically connects to an inside or outside call that is ringing
at a telephone assigned to the group.
A telephone cannot be assigned to more than one Pickup group.
Considerations and Constraints
When Group Pickup is used to answer a call, the user cannot determine whose
call is being answered. An MLX display telephone user receives call information
and can determine whose call is answered only after the call is picked up.
Individual Extension Individual Line
Individual General Group
Inside ringing
Outside ringing
Inside ringing
Inside ringing
Inside held
Outside held
Inside held
Outside ringing
Outside ringing
Outside ringing
Outside held
Outside held