Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 400A, 60Hz Ferroresonant Rectifier J85503C-3
Issue 10 July 2000
Installation 5 - 1
This section outlines a sequence for installing the J85503C-3 rectifier in
a battery plant, including the input and output wiring required.
You will need the following for installing rectifiers.
Material handling equipment to unload rectifiers at site, remove
them from shipping containers, and place them in final positions
Common electrician's hand tools, including jeweler's screwdriver,
electrical tape, wire cutters and strippers, wire with area of 16,510
to 211,600 circ mils (8 AWG to 4/0 wire)
Proper crimping tools and dies for connectors. Use only tooling
(dies) recommended by the lug or connector manufacturer to assure
proper connection and compliance with local and national codes
Common mechanic's hand tools, including flat blade screwdriver
(.30 inch blade width), socket and torque wrench for 3/8 inch bolts,
channel lock pliers for ac conduit tightening, hammer, and crowbar
for uncrating
Drill to bore holes for floor anchors, 3/4-inch bit
Four 5/8-11 lifting eyebolts (lifting with all four is required)
Digital multimeter (DMM) Fluke 8060A or equivalent with 0.02
percent accuracy on dc scale