Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Testing 6 - 21
Calibration Test
(On Line)
Check calibration of the digital meter annually as preventive
1. Verify the conditions shown in Table 6-D.
2. Hold the meter selector switch in the BATT V position.
Observe and record the voltage readings on the DMM and
the rectifier OUTPUT meter.
3. If the rectifier OUTPUT meter is not within 0.02 volts of
the reading on the DMM, refer to “Calibrate CM3 Digital
Meter” in Section 7 to calibrate the OUTPUT meter.
4. Connect the DMM to the rectifier output terminal and
ground, see Figure 5-4.
5. Hold the meter selector switch in the RECT V position.
Observe and record the voltage readings on the DMM and
the OUTPUT meter.
6. The OUTPUT meter reading should agree with the test
meter within 0.02 volt for Series 3 CM3 boards or within
0.5 for Series 1 and 2 CM3 boards. If the reading is not
within these limits, refer to “Calibrate CM3 Digital Meter”
in Section 7 to calibrate the CM3 digital meter and repeat
this procedure from Step 1.
Table 6-D: Controls for Meter Calibration Test On Line
Rectifier REG test jacks
Connected to DMM
(Digital Multimeter)
Rectifier POWER switch
On (up)
Rectifier must be connected to
battery. Rectifier DC output circuit
On (up)
Plant control connector J2A on CM2
control mounted on inside of door
Connected to P2A
on CM2
Series 3 CM3 boards can be identified by the designation
“AM3” (or greater than 3) which is stamped on the wiring
(noncomponent) side of the board. A partial sketch of the
CM3 boards is provided in Figure 7-2.