Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Testing 6 - 13
Calibration Test
(Off Line)
1. Connect the test meter between the input conductor (top)
of CBA1 (see Figure 5-4) and the rectifier ground bus.
2. On the rectifier, hold the meter selector switch in the Rect
V position. The digital display should agree with the test
meter within 0.02 volt for Series 3 CM3 boards or within
0.5 volt for Series 1 or 2 CM3 boards.
3. Hold the meter selector switch in the BATT V position.
The digital display should agree with the test meter within
0.01 volt. If the display and test meter do not agree, the
207A digital meter board needs adjustment (see “Calibrate
CM3 Digital Meter” in Section 7).
Float Equalize
Setup and Test -
Optional (Off
The float equalize feature of the J85502C-1 rectifier provides a
battery charge that is higher than float voltage in order to return
the batteries to the correct voltage faster than they would
otherwise recover after a power outage. To equalize the battery
charge in this manner, your plant controller must support the
float equalize feature, and your battery manufacturer must
provide an equalize procedure for your plant batteries.
The Lineage
2000 MCS and other controllers with certain
options, support the float equalize feature. Ask whether your
battery manufacturer recommends the equalize battery charge
for your batteries, and if so, for a procedure. If your plant meets
both these requirements, proceed with the following setup and
1. Adjust the test load so that the rectifier delivers 20-30A.
2. Turn the rectifier POWER switch Off.
3. On the CM2 control board, short test points E16 and E17
using a clip lead.
4. Turn the POWER switch On. The float Equalize LED
should light.
5. Using the EQUAL ADJ potentiometer on the control
panel, set the voltage per the battery/load requirement.
6. Hold the meter selector switch in the RECT V position
and observe whether the meter reading agrees with the