Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
2 - 8 Product Description
Issue 8 July 1999
The POWER (Control) switch turns the rectifier on and off.
When the switch is in the Off position, the rectifier cannot be
turned on by the plant controller. When in the On position, an
MCS controller can remotely turn the rectifier on or off to satisfy
the plant load current requirements. The POWER ON LED
emits a green light to indicate that the rectifier is on.
The Fuse Alarm (FA) LED lights when the +V or -V fuse
blows, because these alarm fuses are not visible with the
door of the rectifier closed.
The Rectifier Failure Alarm (RFA) LED lights and a signal
is sent to the plant controller if the rectifier fails because of
external or internal high voltages, a blown fuse, an internal
unbalance, or problems with the rectifier ±5-volt dc or
±12-volt dc.
The RECT TEST switch provides a manual test of the
rectifier regulation by simulating a full load (FL) or no load
(NL) condition. Operating the switch raises or lowers the
output voltage setting of the rectifier by 0.25 volt when on
battery. When the switch is in the center position, the
rectifier is in the normal operating state.
Table 2-A: Digital Meter Accuracy
Meter Position
±0.5 volt for Series 1 or 2 CM3
digital meter boards
±0.2 volt for Series 3 CM3 digital
meter boards*
±0.2 volt for any CM3 digital
meter board
±2.5 percent of rectifier rating
*Series 3 CM3 boards can be identified by the
designation “AM3” which is stamped on the wiring
(noncomponent) side of the board. A partial sketch of the
CM3 boards is provided in Figure 7-2.