Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 50A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502B-1
Issue 6 May 1999
Testing 6 - 13
207A digital meter board needs adjustment (see “Calibrate
CM3 Digital Meter” in Section 7).
Test for 434A or
434B Circuit
1. Turn the rectifier On/Off switch to On. Adjust the load
about 20-30% of rectifier rated current capacity. The green
LED should be on.
2. Using the clip lead, momentarily short E1 and E14 (+12V).
The rectifier should shut down, and the red RFA LED
should be on.
3. Restart the rectifier by cycling the front On/Off switch.
4. Using a clip lead, momentarily short E3 and E14 (-12V).
The rectifier should shut down, and the red RFA LED
should be on.
5. Restart the rectifier by cycling the front On/Off switch.
Off-Line Test
1. Reduce load so the rectifier delivers 10-15A, 20-30% of its
rated current.
2. Adjust the OUTPUT VOLTS ADJ potentiometer to
between 52.02 and 52.13 (or 26.01 and 26.06) volts read
on the OUTPUT meter, or to float voltage as determined
in “Adjusting Rectifiers to Float Voltage” in this section.
3. Turn the POWER switch Off.
4. Reduce the load to zero.
5. Turn Off the ac power at the ac service panel.
6. Disconnect and remove the Battery Plant Simulator Test
Set, the DMM (Digital Multimeter), and the test load.
7. If the reason for performing the rectifier tests was to affirm
the operation of the rectifier, and was not part of total plant
testing, follow the procedures in “Restoring a Rectifier to
Service” in Section 7. If this is part of total plant testing,
leave the plant control cable disconnected at this time, until
directed to reconnect it as part of another plant procedure.