Lucent Technologies 1200A 24V ECS Battery Plant J85500E-2
3 - 34 Engineering, Planning, and Ordering
Issue 7 October 1998
changes. The Issue number and date always follow the list of
T-drawings are used to show wiring details, such as wire colors,
gauges, and routing, which cannot be conveniently shown in
assembly views of the J-drawing. T-drawings are similar in
format to J-drawings, with cover sheets and assembly sheets.
There is no stocklist or Table A, however, on a T-drawing. The
following T-drawing cover sheet features are essentially the
same as those for J-drawings:
Title Block
Issue number
Sheet Index
Manufacturing Notes and Symbols
Engineering Notes
Change Notes
As with the J-drawing, all the notes on the T-drawing should be
read completely when engineering a job. Other important
features of the T-drawing cover sheet are Tables B, C and D.
Table B of the T-drawing gives a historical record of the addition
and elimination of options. This table corresponds to the Record
of Change Table on the SD-drawing. (See below.)
As noted earlier, there is usually a close correspondence between
options defined on the SD and those shown on the T-drawing.
The exact correlation of options and figure numbers between the
two drawings is given in Table C.
Table D gives is an index to the locations of T-drawing options
on the various sheets of the drawing. There is a similar Option
Index on the SD. (See below.)
The wiring information is shown graphically two ways: Shop
Figures and Installer Figures. Shop figures are numbered 1, 2, 3,
etc. for main figures and A, B, C, etc. for details. Installer figures
are similarly numbered but with the prefix H. All connections
and circuit components in a given figure, that are not indicated
as optional, are provided when that figure is specified by the
J-drawing. Options are indicated on the figures by a letter or
letters inside a double circle.
An option is defined when alternative connections or circuit
components are possible. T-drawing options are called Wiring