Technical data for subrack
Voltage range
(all components)
-48 to -60 V battery voltage
(-40.5 V minimum, -72 V maximum)
Power feeds
2 power feeders (A, B)
Power consumption,
Circuit breakers
Release 1.0 and 2.0:
max. 2700 W
68 A circuit breakers must be used in the External
Battery and Fuse Bay (BDFB)
63 A circuit breakers are part of the subracks.
Release 2.1:
max. 3500 W
Circuit breakers
100 A must be used in the
External Battery and Fuse Bay (BDFB)
100 A circuit breakers are part of the subracks.
Maximum 41kg [90.41 lbs]
(includes: user panel, fan, PIs, CI-CTL TIs and 12x
blanks at the rear).
Dimensions (D x W x H)
545mm [21.457”] x 500mm [19.685”] x 950mm
(includes fan and cabling).
Site Engineering Dimensions
545mm [21.457”] x 500mm [19.685”] x 1100mm
(includes cabling and fan space)
Subrack requirements
The mounting requirements are:
Leave a space of
100 mm [3.94”] above the subrack, when a
single subrack is mounted into a rack frame.
The subrack is designed for mounting in the LambdaUnite
rack frames in such a way the temperature can be controlled and
the cables laid properly.
NEBS-2000 installation
Mechanical installation
Issue a, April 2002
Lucent Technologies
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