Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant H569-416
3 - 2 Engineering, Planning & Ordering
Issue 2 August 1996
The using system, also referred to as the LOAD EQUIPMENT,
determines many characteristics of the power equipment.
Service and maintenance strategies also affect the selection of
power equipment. This paragraph describes, through the
following topics, the types of basic power specifications and
how they may be determined.
load equipment voltage
battery voltage
load drain and growth
reserve capacity
charge capacity and recharge time
battery string balancing
voltage drop calculations
conductor sizing
overcurrent protection
Load Equipment
Determine the recommended operating voltage range of the
using equipment. If the battery plant is used to power different
types of equipment, it must meet the requirements of each. Fill
in the load voltage information below. The answers to these
questions will be used in engineering calculations and
equipment selection in the following paragraphs.
a. Recommended operating voltage: ______ volts
b. Minimum steady-state voltage: ______ volts
c. Maximum steady-state voltage: _____ volts
d. Maximum high voltage transient: ______ volts
e. Can the load be damaged by low input voltage?
___ (yes or no)
If the answer to (e) is “yes”, low-voltage LOAD disconnect
provisions may be necessary. It is important to distinguish
between low-voltage disconnects for BATTERIES and for
LOADS. Low-voltage battery disconnect does NOT protect load
equipment from low input voltage. Load and battery disconnect
features are not available on all types of battery plants.