Line Access Gateway 2300
The AnyMedia
Line Access Gateway (LAG) 2300 offers a new IP/Ethernet
option that helps optimize the network while streamlining operations.
IP/Ethernet services can now be supported on the same platform used to
deliver traditional voice services and ATM-based data offerings. This
highly flexible multi-service platform allows service providers to quickly
add the broadband services customers demand, using the technologies
that best meet specific operating requirements. A single integrated
network management system adds to the product’s efficiency and
provides cost-effective control over both voice and data services.
• Line Access Gateway/Softswitch
• Circuit to packet migration
• Multi-service TDM and IP—or
TDM and ATM—operation
• Hosting of other GR303 Digital
Loop Carriers
• Native VoIP services
• IP Video deployment
Broader multi-service capabilities
Allows delivery of traditional
circuit-based services from the
same platform that supports either
ATM data services—or new
IP/Ethernet capabilities
High-density platform
– Supports
up to 960 POTS lines per shelf –
or any combination of DSL, POTS,
ISDN, IP/Ethernet and special
Easy-to-use application packs
Enables rapid changes in the mix
of services and technologies
offered, using standard AnyMedia
application packs
Re-Use of Legacy Plugins
Streamlines gradual evolution to
IP/Ethernet based services with
minimal capital and operations
Broadband backplane
– Enhances
revenue-generating opportunities
by delivering high-speed premium
data, voice and multimedia services
Open switch interfaces
– Optimizes
integration by allowing the
LAG 2300 to operate
with any other equipment using
the latest industry standards
including GR-303, TR-008, ATM,
IP, SIP and H.248.
Integrated management
– Provides
streamlined, cost-effective control
for both voice and data services,
using the same system as other
Future-oriented design
Facilitates addition of new
broadband capabilities, including
IP/Ethernet, while minimizing
capital expenditures
Reduced CAPEX
– Single-platform
solution eliminates forklift
upgrades—and decrease spending
on components and interfaces
Quicker response times
– Enables
use of standard “any service, any
slot” application packs to quickly
deliver the services customers
Seamless migration
– With its
IP/Ethernet capabilities, offers an
easy migration path while
supporting traditional voice services
Decreased operating costs
– A high-
density, multi-service platform
simplifies operations—and makes
optimal use of space
Enhanced revenue opportunities
Supports a full spectrum of
high-value voice, data and
multimedia services, including
IP video capabilities
Streamlined management
Provides the same system for
voice and data, increasing
operating efficiency, minimize
training—and simplify network
Reliable performance
– Maintains
high availability with dedicated
bandwidth to keep premium
customers satisfied
– Enables seamless
operation with a wide range of
equipment through standard open
interfaces—and supports smooth
network evolution