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LC216_DBL_LST_EN_0806.PDF • PAGE 1
Building Safety. Building Security.
• Actuation and monitoring of up to
127 extinguishing systems or 127
fl ooding zones
• Fully integrated into Fire Detection
Control Panel Series BC216
• Individual control panel or fl exibly
expandable control panel network
• Suitable for all system sizes
• Optional hardware redundancy
• EN 54, EN 12094-1, VdS certifi ed
Fire is a permanent threat to life and property. There-
fore, immediate response to a fi re is imperative. The
main objective of the Extinguishing Control Panels Se-
ries LC216 is to alarm and to react in time and, conse-
quently, save lives and protect property. For decades
LST have focused their aims to undertaking unrivaled
efforts in order to realize new innovations in the security
area. Research, development and production are loca-
ted within LST premises, thus guaranteeing fl exible and
reliable individual solutions.
Using a 32-bit multiprocessor system, the Extinguishing
Control Panels Series LC216 ensure topmost effi ciency
and speed – prerequisites for saving lives and minimi-
zing damage to property.
The Extinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 is an
extended Fire Detection Control Panel Series BC216
with additional functions for the control of extinguishing
systems. Nevertheless, all functions of the fi re detec-
tion control panel remain intact. Therefore, a combined
use as fi re detection and extinguishing control panel is
provided as standard.
The Extinguishing Control Panels Series LC216 compri-
se the following types of control panels:
• The Extinguishing Control Panel LC216-1 for an extin-
guishing system with one fl ooding zone according to
EN 12094-1 or with up to 8 fl ooding zones without
compliance to EN 12094-1.
• The networked Extinguishing Control Panel LCnet216
for up to 127 extinguishing systems. The LCnet216
consists of several sectional control panels, which
are interconnected via the Global Security System
Network GSSnet and thereby form a decentralised
extinguishing control system. Each extinguishing sys-
tem can control up to 32 fl ooding zones, and each
LCnet sectional control panel can administrate up to
8 fl ooding zones. A maximum of 127 fl ooding zones
can be controlled by an Extinguishing Control Panel
The Extinguishing Control Panel Series LC216 fulfi ls
all compulsory requirements as well as the options of
EN 12094-1, EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 and is VdS certi-
fi ed.
The networked Extinguishing Control Panel LCnet216
can be easily implemented with a redundant design of
the extinguishing control.