Connection of detectors Labor Strauss
Chapter 3 • ADM technology
Referring to the previously cited example, this process results in the automatic allocation of the
addresses 16 and 17 for the two new elements. However, when the detector on the branch is inserted,
there is a double address. Thus, the element on the branch line must be reprogrammed. In the above
example, the address 16 is changed to 240. This modification must also be updated in the parameter
setup of the fire detection control.
Start the assignment of addresses for branch devices with 240. Continue with 239, 238, … for further
elements on branches. Therefore, when adding new devices to the loop you do not have to modify the
panel setup after AUTO-addressing, as the addresses of the branch devices do not have to be changed.
The drawing below shows the finally addressed loop elements.
We have to emphasise again that elements on branch lines
be connected to the loop dur-
ing the AUTO-setup process. The addressing of these elements has to be done manually – see next
chapter. Also note that the expansion of an RF interface with further wireless elements is restricted in
terms of possible address overlaps
Manual addressing of elements Programming Units FI700/PU and FI750/PU
The Programming Units FI700/PU and FI750/PU are complementary devices for all Series FI700 and
FI750 loop elements (detectors, modules and sounders). The main purpose of these programming units
is the manual programming of the loop device addresses.
In addition, the Programming Units FI700/PU and FI750/PU also allow you to read out device informa-
tion such as address, date of manufacture and sensitivity values. In combination with optical smoke
detectors and optical-thermal detectors, the degree of contamination of the optical measuring chamber
can also be read out.
Connection-LST.odt / 2009 / AN9161298