2.4GHZ F.H.S.S.
To land, you can basically choose between 3 different
1) You bring down the Gravit manually:
If you want to land your Gravit manually, please make sure
that you try to land on an even and flat surface. If you try to
land on a stony or uneven surface, you risk that your Gravit
is tipping over during the landing procedure and becomes
Take your time and bring down the Gravit very slowly. Try
to keep it as steady and horizontal as possible and decre-
ase the height step by step in the last few meters. After
you have landed your Gravit successfully, hold down the
left control stick completely and the motors will shut off a
few seconds later. In case there should be no flat and even
surface around, we recommend to „catch-land“ your Gravit
instead, see 2)
2) You „catch-land“ your Gravit:
„Catch-landing“ is just what it sounds like: You do not land
your Gravit on the ground, but bring it close enough to you
to grab the landing feet while the Gravit is in the air and
then you stop the motors. The big advantage of catch-lan-
ding is that it can be done everywhere. It does not matter
whether you are standing in high grass or rocky hills. Since
your Gravit does not have to come down to the ground,
the quality and condition of the landing surface does not
matter. The second advantage is that you do not risk any
damage on your Gravit due to potential tip-overs when
attempting to land „normally“ on the ground. However, if
you decide to catch-land your Gravit, beware of getting hit
by the spinning propellers!
To do the catch-landing correctly, do as follows:
a) Bring down your Gravit around 0,5 meters ABOVE your
head. This is very important because in case the Gravit
suddenly drifts away in any direction (because of a gust of
wind, for example) you won‘t get hit by the Gravit because
it will fly/drift OVER your head.
b) In case that there should be a noticeable or even strong
wind: Approach the Gravit with the wind in your BACK,
NOT in your face. By doing so, you can avoid the Gravit
is accidentally being pushed TOWARDS you by the wind.
Instead, if you approach it with the wind in your back, the
Gravit is pushed AWAY from you.
c) Grab one landing feet on its VERTICAL part, as closely to
the bodyshell as you can get and hold it firmly. Do NOT
touch the compass on the rear left landing feet during this
d) Move the throttle stick completely downwards. Keep on
holding the Gravit up in the air above your head UNTIL
the rotors stop spinning. Now it is safe to put the Gravit
anywhere you want.
A few words on catch-landing:
- It is easier to completely lower the throttle with one hand
and catch the Gravit with the other hand if you use a neck-
strap for your transmitter. By doing so, single-handed trans-
mitter operation becomes much more reliable and easier,
because you don‘t have to physically hold the transmitter
with your hand.
- If you fly with another person, ask this person to help you
catch-land your Gravit. If one person operates the control
sticks and a second person catches the Gravit, this second
person may use BOTH hands to do so, making this procedu-
re even more safe and reliable.
However, please make sure that this person feels comforta-
ble in doing so and knows what he or she is doing.
- Make sure that you only move your Gravit as little as
possible while holding it in the air during the catch-landing
procedure. Keep in mind that every movement you make is
being recognised by the Gravit‘s electronics and is being
countered by the corresponding maneuver-attempts.
This can be confusing or suprising and lead to false behavi-
our of the person who is catch-landing.