L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
5 Console Interface
5.1 Console Connection
The L-IP series “B” models without an LCD display are equipped with a serial interface to
display the results of the self test,
allow configuration via a console menu,
upgrade the L-IP firmware.
To use the serial interface the console connector (see installation sheet) of the L-IP can be
connected to the RS-232 port of a PC. For this connection a PC a standard null-modem-
cable with full handshaking must be used. Now, the PC can communicate with the L-IP
using a standard terminal program with the communication settings set to 38,400 bps / 8
data bits / no parity / 1 stop bit.
5.2 Self Test
Whenever the L-IP comes out of reset it performs a self-test. If the self-test passed
successfully, the CEA-709 activity LED turns green for 0.5 seconds. If a failure occurs
during the self-test, the status LED is flashing red and the L-IP resets.
The console output of a successful boot sequence on an L-IP reads as follows: