L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Return Value
by Gamma(x) = integral from 0 to infinity of t^(x-1) e^-t dt. It is defined for every real number
except for no positive integers. For nonnegative integral m one has Gamma(m+1) = m! and,
more generally, for all x: Gamma(x+1) = x * Gamma(x) For x < 0.5 one can use Gamma(x) *
Gamma(1-x) = PI/sin(PI*x)
computes the absolute value of the argument v1
Table 14: Available math functions.
6.3 Connections
Local Connections
With the use of connections data points can interact with each other. Connections specify
which data points exchange values with each other. Various types of connections – from
” to “
connections – are supported. Data points added to a connection specify
whether they feed a value into the connection (send) or they receive a value from the
connection (receive).
This means, the following connections are possible:
1 input data point is connected and writes to
output data points,
input data points are connected and write to 1 output data point,
input data points are connected and write to
output data point.
The most common connection will be the 1:1 connection. This is the type of connection that
is auto-generated by the Configurator software. Other types must be created manually or by
a template in the Configurator.
In the 1:
connection the input value is distributed to all
output data points. In the
connection, the most current input value is written to the output data point. When polling
the output data point in poll-through mode (maximum cache age is set on the output), the
value from the first input data point is polled. The same holds true for a
The default data flow of data points in a connection is a result of the data point direction.
This can be overridden by a custom setting (i.e. an output data point can be configured as an
input to the connection).
Connections can connect data points of different technologies with each other (also mixed
among the target data points). When connecting data points of different classes the
exchanged values need to be converted. The connection inherits the type of the first data
point class. If data points of a different class are added to this connection, an
to be defined. For example an analog value connection has a multi-state output data point.
Adaptors can be saved in a library and re-used later for similar conversions.
The following conversions apply:
Analog to Analog
: The value range is capped on the output data points. This means, if
the input value in the hub does not fit into the range of an output data point, the value is
capped to the biggest or smallest allowed value. If the input and output data points both
have convertible units the value is converted. The user can also specify a simple math
formula as an adaptor. In this case no implicit unit conversion is performed.
Binary/Multi-state to Analog
: The Boolean or state value is directly converted to an
analog value (e.g. state ID ‘4’ is written as ‘4.0’) as a default. The user should specify
an adaptor to map the Boolean or state value to designated analog values.