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Страница 1: ...X 20A INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHOIN U S A 988 0105 36 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS INC 12000 E SKELLYDR TULSA OK 74128 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Страница 2: ...PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Страница 3: ...MODE 14 SIMULATOR 16 TRANSDUCERS ANDCONE ANGLES 17 SIGNAL INTERPRETATION 18 FISHARCHES 18 WATER TEMPERATURE ANDTHERMOCLINES 20 SURVEYING A LAKE 21 BAITFISH 22 SPECIFICATION 22 SERVICEINFORMATION 23 TROUBLESHOOTING 23 Copyright 1991 Lowrance Electronics Inc All rightsreserved All featuresand specifications subjectto change withoutnotice Allscreens inthismanual are simulated PDF compression OCR web ...
Страница 4: ...cable awayfrom the wiring that is causing the interference VHFradioantenna cablesradiate noise whentransmitting sobe certaintokeepthesonar swiresawayfromit You mayneedto route thesonar unit spowercabledirectlytothebatterytoisolate itfromotherwiringontheboat If no noisedisplays on the sonar unit from electrical equipment then make certain everythingexcept the sonarunit Is turned off then start the ...
Страница 5: ...notbehighenough inorderforthe unit todisplayafish arch it hastobeableto receivethefish s echofromthetimeitentersthecone untilit leaves ifthesensitivity isnothighenough theunitdisplaysthefishonly whenit is inthe centerofthe cone 3 UsetheZoom feature It ismucheasiertodisplayfisharcheswhen zoomed inon asmallrange ofwaterthanalargeone Forexample youwillhavemuch betterluckseeingfisharches witha30to60fo...
Страница 6: ...6 ifyou need service SONARTROUBLESHOOTING Unitwon t turn on 1 Checkthepowercable sconnection atthe unit Also checkthewiring 2 Makecertainthe powercableiswiredproperly The red wireconnects tothepositivebatteryterminal blackto negative orground 3 Checkthefuse 4 Measurethebatteryvoltageattheunit spowerconnector ltshouldbeatleast 11volts Ititisn t thewiringtotheunitisdefective thebatteryterminals orwi...
Страница 7: ...ICATIONS 57 8 H x7 3 4 Wx 37 16 D 1 3 4pounds 192 kI lz 275waifspeaktopeak 34 4watts RMS 82 dbtemperature stabilized 200 ma lightsoff 500 ma lightson 9 15vdc 50 x27 vertical xhorizontal 1350 Total 5 perminute minimum 32 per minute maximum 180 feet KEYBOARDBASICS This section gives a brief explanation of the keyboard Read the Operationsectionforadetaileddescription of eachkey soperation ON OFF Thes...
Страница 8: ...ere fish are active Manytimesbaitfish will beabove the thermocline whilelarger game fishwill suspend inorjust below it The X 20Acandetectthisinvisiblelayerinthewater butthesensitivity willprobably haveto beturnedup to seeit SURVEYING A LAKE The mostsuccessful anglers on anybodyofwaterare thosewhofish it day afterdayand yearafteryear Eventually theylearn thehot spots that produce fish consistently ...
Страница 9: ...locks ontothe bottom You can leave the sensitivity inthe automatic mode or manually adjustitto suit conditions Youmayneedto increase thesensitivityto showfishsymbolswhenthe unit is inautomatic To do this first presstheSENS key The letters SENS willflashontherightsideofthedisplay Averticalbarappears on theleftside ofthescreen See below This indicates the sensi tivity level To increasethesensitivity...
Страница 10: ...it As you press the arrow key the sensitivity bar moVes up or down according to the sensitivity level chosen Youcanadjustthesensitivityinthesamemanner whentheunitis inthe manual mode Verysmall fish probablywill notarchat all Medium sized fish willshow a partial arch or a shape similarto an arch if they rein deep water Largefishwillarch butturnthesensitivity upindeeper waterto seethe arch Because o...
Страница 11: ...next page When the center of the cone strikes the fish the distance is shorter as shownin B As theconeleaves thefish the distance increases againas shown in C Whenthe Fish l D feature is off thedepthofthewaterwill affectthe sizeand shapeof the fish arch due to thecone angle diameter For example if the cone passesover afish in shallow water the signal displayed ontheunitmaynot arch at all Thisisdue...
Страница 12: ...erearetwo exceptionstothisnile 1 Ifyou reonthe0 15 rangeand pressthe zoom key thenew range will be 10 15 2 Thereis nozoomon the0 5 range 8 Thesound waves from thetransducerspread outinto the waterin a cone shaped beam This looks much likethe beam from aflashlight The angle between the outsideedges ofthe coneisthe coneangle Lowrance offers a choiceoftransducers with either an8or 20 degree coneangle...
Страница 13: ...hezoomrangechanges tofive feet Toturnthezoom featureoff simplypress theRANGE key ZOOM Manual Mode Zoomoperates differentlywhenthe unitisinthemanual mode First presstheZOOM key Thebottomhalfofthe rangeisenlarged just like the automatic zoomfeature However if you press an arrowkey the rangeshifts inone foot increments Thedown arrowkeyto shiftsthe rangedownin one foot increments The uparrowkey shifts...
Страница 14: ..._____ _____ properly AUTO If you havedifficultyshowing fish sym bols tryincreasing thesensitivity FISH l D FEATURE ON NOTE The Fish1 0 featurecannotdistinguish between fish and other suspended objectssuch asturtles treebranches trotlines submerged floats orotherinanimate objects Themicro computer inthisunitisso phisticated but itcanbefooled Themostdifficult challenge is individ ual tree branches e...
Страница 15: ...ppear fromthedisplay signifying the automatic sensitivity and chart range featuresare off This also turnstheFish l D featureoffatthesametime Thedigitalremainson To return the unitto the automatic mode press theAUTO key again Thiswill reset thesensitivity soyou maywishtoincreaseitto seefish orotherdetail Thiswillnot turntheFishl D featureon Youwillhave topresstheFish l D keytoturn it on AUTOMAI1C M...
Страница 16: ...ressthe CHARTALARM key thenmove the bottomofthebarallthewayto its shallowest positionusing the up arrow key FISH ALARM UsetheFISH ALARMfor a distinctiveaudiblealarm whenfish orother susupended objectsare detectedby the FISH 1 0 feature Press the FiSH 1 0 and the AUTO keys at the sametime The words FISH ALARM displaysat thebottomright side ofthescreen The audible alarm soundseach time the Fish ID f...