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Страница 1: ...lobalNav II INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS LITHO IN U S A 988 0129 11 LOWRANCE ELECTRONICS INC 12000 E SKELLY DR TULSA OK 74128 PDF compression OCR web optimization with CVISION s PdfCompressor ...
Страница 2: ...oint butwillalso visuallychecktomake certainaclear safepath to thewaypoint isalwaysavailable NOTICE Asofthiswriting the Department of Defense DOD hasnotdeclared the GPSnavigation systemoperational Thesystem isstill in atesting phase Satellites canbe turnedoff or accuracy canbe degraded at will bythe systemoperators Rememberthat theGlobalNav II oranyGPS receiver isonlyas accurate asthesystemit s us...
Страница 4: ...IG XTE 050 MI U0G 22 0 FM TTC oQ az AiicI or 0 10 Mi r rr r i GROUP H GlobalNav II GPS RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS OPSModule Dimensions 2 5 H x4 1 Wx7 0 Channels FiveParallel Fourcontinuous for position Allsatellites in viewtracked Update rate Onesecond Accuracy Maximum accuracy achievable with Standard PositioningService Position 25 meters CEP Velocity 0 25meters sec RMS WithoutSA PDOP 6 O NMEA 0183 ...
Страница 5: ...learance behindtheunitwhenitistiltedforthebestviewingangle Holes inthebracketbaseallowwoodscreworthrough boltmounting Youmay need to place apieceof plywood onthebackofthinfiberglasspanelsto securethemountinghardware Makecertainthereisenough roombehind the unittoattachthepower and GPSmodule cables Thesmallest holethatwillpassonepowerortransducerplugisone inch Aftertheholeisdrilled passtheOPSconnect...
Страница 6: ...ware supplied withtheunit attach theunittothedash Make certain thatthecamclamp ontheleftsideoftheunitispointing downandthecamclampontheright side ofthe unitis pointing upbefore youstarttightening the bolts BOLT CAMCLAMP TURNED DOWN Offset OFF ON label This turns the PCF correction factor that you enteredon Toleavethis screen pressthekeynexttothe Exit label This also putsyourchangesinto effect TLui...
Страница 7: ...tionshown bythechart In other words our position shownontheunitis0 012min utesnorth and 0 068 minutes eastoftheposition shownon POWER CONNECTIONS The GlobalNav IIworksfrom atwelve volt batterysystem Forthebest results attach the power cabledirectlytothebattery Youcanattach the power cable to an accessory or powerbuss howeveryou may have problemswithelectrical interference Therefore it ssafertogoah...
Страница 8: ...ey thenpress thekey nexttothe More label twice Nowpressthekeyadja centtothe back igniOnOft label Thismovestheblackbox from OFF to the ON posi tion To turnthe backlights off repeat thesamesteps SPEAKERVOLUME The speakervolumehas two levels high orlow When theGlobalNavII isfirstturnedon thespeaker volumeishigh Tochangeit presstheMENU key then pressthekeynext tothe More labeltwice Nowpress the keynex...
Страница 9: ...plied with the GlobalNav II Note This is assuming youcan snake the module s cabletoalocationthat is accessable A hole willstill need to be drilled in the mounting surfacefor thecable Usingthegasketasatemplate mark and drill the 17 mm 11 16 hole forthecable Attachthecabletothemodule and droptheother end of the cablethroughthe gasketand down thehole Place themodule on the gasket Slidethe cleats onto...
Страница 10: ...terpretsthis codeanddisplaysastatusmessage Thismessageiseither MODULE HAS PASSED or MODULE HASFAILED andshowsatthe k nltnrnn4Ikaonroon rhon rran onflwn nrer n n n hr r I Ih tom Ctacttorrervi department ifthe module failsthe selftest Do not attempt to usethis productifitfailstheselftest To use the self test feature press the MENU key then pressthekeynexttothe More label Finally press the key nextto...
Страница 11: ...label You can navigate to a waypoint using the Waypoint Recall feature howeverwhen yougobacktotheMan Overboard screen theGlobalNavlI stopsnavigatingtotherecalledwaypoint andshownavigationdata tothe ManOverboard location Remember savingthevictimistheprimarygoal Tryalloptionstorescue the personimmediately aftertheaccidenthappens Trainingandeduca tion are also good accident preventatives The Coast Gu...
Страница 12: ... andthe GlobalNav II returns totheGPSposition screen All unitswill be returned totheirfactorysettings MAN OVERBOARD One ofboating s mostterrifyingevents ishaving afriendorfamilymember falloverboard Thissituationcanbedeadly onanybodyofwater freshor salt It sparticularly dangerous atnightorifyou reoutofsightofland Of course the first thing to do is remain calm and try all standard safety measurestot...
Страница 13: ...einviewnearlyanywhereonEarth twenty fourhoursa day TheGPSreceiverrequiresatleastthreesatellitesto givea 2D fix A2Dfixisyourposition in latitude longitude A3Dfixisyour latitude longitudeplusaltitude When itlocksontoatleastfoursatellites it displaysa3Dfix First press theMENU key Next pressthekeynexttothe Change GPS Settings label Nowpress the key nextto the Select NMEA label The screen shown below a...
Страница 14: ...ites in view and acquire up to five satellites at one time Itsends position information to the GlobalNav II once every second By incorporating Rockwell s GPS receivertechnology with Lowrance s state of the art design andmanufacturing capabilities Lowrance brings totheconsumer themostadvanced lineofGPSmarinenavigationsystemsavailable inthe world WRANE it The alarm is adjustable from 01 to 9 9 miles...
Страница 15: ...ation Power On In orderfor the GlobalNav Itolockonto the satellites it mustfirst find them Ifyousimplyturntheunitonandwait the unitwillfindthesatellites byitselfin 15 minutes or less Thisiscalled Cold Start Ifyoulet itfind thesatellites thetime display will probablybe wrong since it will be showingUTCtimeorthetimeatGreenwich England However allother navigationdisplays includingthepositiondisplaywi...
Страница 16: ...atitudefrom northto south if necessary Afterthelatitude hasbeen entered pressthekeynexttothe AcceptLa label The blackboxautomatically moves tothelongitude field afteryouenter thelatitude Nowenterthelongitudeusingthenumbered keys Becertain to enterazero 0 asthefirstnumber inthelongitude ifit s lessthan100 degrees Afteryou veentered thelastnumber press thekeynexttothe LongitudeWE labeltochange itfro...
Страница 17: ...rd through theroute the unitwillstartwithwaypoint number 2first then 6 andendwith waypoint number 3 No matterifyou travel forwardor reverse through the route when you reach the last waypoint in the route the arrival alarm sounds until youturn itoff supposeyou reinDeathValley andthespotyou restanding in is35feetbelowsealevel You would need to enterthenum bers 35 then press the key nexttothe Altitud...
Страница 18: ...press the ROUTE key The letter E appearson _______________________________ the screen Use the number keystoenternumbers Repeat this process until the entire _______________ name hasbeen writtenonthe screen Nowpressthekeynext tothe Accept Name label TheGlobalNav II returns to the route menu Youcannow enterthe waypoints used intheroute SAD09 F C H Routett 1 Kane EEEJ1 IIJPTIt UPT U lip H n USE THE A...
Страница 19: ... calledthe PRN The PRN is thefirstnumberinthechannel s row TRKstandsfor track If theGlobalNavilistrackingthe satellite thena l is placed in this column IftheGlobalNav II r fl13T 12 S 21 324 29 H 2 33 02 T 46 115 43 I i T 28 208 42 13020624 1 t4 1 4 T 19 14 35 a 1wO1 I soI N 36 09 044 IU 95 5I 415 MPH rli II 1 1 flA JO U L2 MI Ca T I MPG 0 MPG IiI AJTh1 12 35 55PM 2 19 1993 appears ELVistheelevatio...
Страница 20: ...point Ifthenumbers have ablackboxsurroundingthem Name label Thescreenshown atrightappears Use the keys on both sidesof thescreentoenterthewavooint name Forexample toname a waypoint COVE 1 press the ALARM keyrepeatedlyuntilthe letter C appears inthewin dow Next press the rightar rowkeyto move theblackbox tothe nextletterposition Now press theWAYPTRECALL keyrepeatedly until the 0 appears on the scre...
Страница 21: ... the desired waypoint appears inthe window press the down arrow key until the black box moves to the NAME position Now press otherwords ifthenumbers are surrounded byablackbox then youhave passed thewaypoint and need to turnaround Thenumbers immediately belowtheCDIaretheCDIrangeinmiles This gives youanideaofhowfaroffcourse youare Forexample ifthearrow is halfway between the course line and the out...
Страница 22: ...edin Note Youcan store a position undera waypoint numberthat already hasapositionassigned to it usingthismethod To saveyourpresentposition presstheWAYPTSAVEkey Ascreensimilar tothe one below appears The first waypoint number in thelistappearsatthetopofthe page Thisis the number that your present position will be stored under Yourpositionat the time you pressed the WAYPTSAVE key isshown in the Curr...
Страница 23: ...y simply pressingafew buttons TheGlobalNav II canstore upto200waypoints Youcanstore yourpresentpositionasawaypointorenterlatitudeAongitude positions aswaypoints The flashing cross is your presentposition Thesolid line is yourtrack orpath you have justtraveled Thelarge square isacompass rose marked with North South East and West Thesquare sheight andwidth shows at the bottom of the screen This is t...
Страница 24: ...the Clear Plot menu selection Theplotterwillcontinueto draw your track after this key is pressed starting from your presentposition VIEWING WINDOWS OPTIONS To seeallofthe available win dow options press the WIN DOWS key then press the IVItINU Key INUW pressmeKey adjacent to the MAIN MENU label Finally pressthekeynext to the VIEW ALLWINDOWS label The screen at rightap pears eu N U e S E S 0 511 PLO...
Страница 25: ...tute mile when the GlobalNav II is turnedonforthefirsttime The available plotterrangesare 1 2 5 1 2 5 10 20 50 and 100miles Thisletsyou zoom in to see small variations in your course or zoom out to seeyourstartingposition present position track course anddestination ICON ON OFF Pressing this keyturnsontheicons that youplaced onthescreenusing theEVENT MARKER key Formoreinformation on thisfeature se...
Страница 26: ... situations This feature also gives you 10 differentwindow display screens each customizable The screensavailable in the windows modearedividedinto two or more windows per screen Each screen of win dowsiscalleda group Group A as shown at righthasthe plotter Course OverGround andsteeringdisplays showing in threeseparatewindows A group of windowscan be as many asfour or only one A window can display...
Страница 27: ... Cursorlabel The digital displaysonall screenswillshownavigation information tothisnew location This includes the position steering and plotterdisplays Re member thisisatemporary waypoint It serasedwhentheunitisturned off orif it s preset PLOTTER UPDATE Theplotter shows your track bydrawing a solid line behind yourpresent position Thetrackisupdated onceevery instantlywhentheunitisturned onforthefi...
Страница 28: ...nt icons to choose from and therearelOOof each iconfora total of 500 You can place eachiconindividually however you can terase a single icon onceyou veplaced it Toerase an icon youhaveto erase altofthe iconsin that group To placean icon press the EVENT MARKER key The screen shown aboveappears Nowselectoneofthe five icons shown ontheleftside ofthe screen by pressing thekeynexttothedesired icon Asso...