In the event that you experience trouble reading files.
1. We have seen cases where older USB sticks are not able to be read by the
Louët Web Interface. Try a newer USB stick.
2. File names can not contain special characters – rename your file
3. If your saved file is not visible or it can’t be read, make sure you have saved
the file as a WIF and in lift plan format. Most weaving software automatically
converts a pattern file into lift plan when the user asks to weave. You need to
specifically select “Lift plan” mode. When you save the file, be sure to go
“Save As” and then change the file type to WIF as the default format is that of
your weaving software.
4. Patterns you download from the internet may be WIF files, but may not be in
lift plan format. Use your weaving software and process above to ensure you
are saving the file correctly fr the Louët Web Interface to read the file.