Translation of the original instructions
Errors due to the generator
These are faults detected by the generator and transmitted to the control. For appliances with digital control,
"E1" appears on the display. For appliances with analogue control, the faults are detected based on the
duration and frequency of the flashing green indicator light. The green indicator light turns on once for longer
and then with brief regular flashes. The number of these brief flashes corresponds to the error number. This
scheme is repeated constantly.
For example: Generator error code E1 06
4.3.13 Lin knob error messages
When indicator lights are used, the error message is displayed on the basis of the duration and frequency of
the green indicator flashing. The green indicator light comes ON only once, with one medium flash (E1) or
two medium flashes (E2) and then short and regular flashes. The number of these short flashes indicates the
error number. This pattern is constantly repeated.
Example: error code E2 05 for digital control: