7.3 Data Type
There is a 20-bit ADC on the G-Link-200-OEM. However, users may select the data type
that is reported. Floating point should be selected in most applications and where nodes
must send measurements in units of g-force. Int16 or Int24 may be selected for applications
requiring maximum network bandwidth or longer battery life.
Figure 36. Data Type Menu
Float (4 Bytes)
- The node applies calibration coefficients locally and reports measurements
as floating point values.
Int24 (3 Bytes)
- The node sends its 20-bit measurements as signed 24-bit values. Data
collection software such as SensorConnect must apply the calibration coefficients using the
following equation:
G-force = value * slope + offset
• Int16 (2 Bytes)
- The node sends its 20-bit measurements as signed 16-bit values. Data
collection software such as SensorConnect must apply the calibration coefficients using the
following equation:
G-force = value * 64 * slope + offset