Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual
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Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
8 Temperature sensor
8.1 Real-time temperature sampling
Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 internally integrates two temperature sensors, which can be registered by sampling starting at 0x1FE00198
The device can be used for observation, and at the same time, it can be controlled by flexible high and low temperature interruption alarm or automatic frequency modulation functio
The corresponding bits of the sampling register are as follows (the base address is 0x1FE00198):
Table 8-1 Temperature sampling register description
Bit field
Field name
Reset value
twenty four
Temperature sensor 0 overflow (over 125
Temperature sensor 1 overflow (over 125
47:32 Thsens0_out
Temperature sensor 0 Celsius
Knot point temperature
degree= Thens0_out
* 731 / 0x4000-273
Temperature range -40 degrees – 125 degrees
65:48 Thsens1_out
Temperature sensor 1 Celsius
Knot point temperature
degree= Thens1_out
-* 731 / 0x4000-273
Temperature range -40 degrees – 125 degrees
Through the setting of the control register, it is possible to achieve interruptions above the preset temperature, interruptions below the preset temperature and high temperature
Automatic frequency reduction function.
8.2 High and low temperature interrupt trigger
For the high and low temperature interrupt alarm function, there are 4 groups of control registers to set their thresholds. Each set of register packets
Contains the following three control bits:
GATE: Set the threshold for high or low temperature. When the input temperature is higher than the high temperature threshold or lower than the low temperature threshold, i
EN: interrupt enable control. The setting of this group of registers is valid after being set to 1;
SEL: Input temperature selection. At present, 3A3000 / 3B3000 integrate two temperature sensors inside, this register is used to configure
The temperature of which sensor is selected as input. You can use 0 or 1.
The high temperature interrupt control register contains 4 sets of setting bits for controlling high temperature interrupt trigger;
The device contains 4 sets of setting bits for controlling low temperature interrupt trigger. There is also a set of registers used to display the interrupt status, divided
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Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1