Operating instructions
ScanAfia X TK, S, ICU Version 1.5
Copyright © Lojer Oy, 2015
6.2 Locking the wheels
The hospital bed has centrally locking wheels. In models TK, S and ICU, the
central locking is operated with the brake pedals or brake arc.
Lock the wheels by pressing down the pedal or brake arc at the foot end of the
hospital bed (see Figures 39 and 40). The wheels turn freely when the pedal or
brake arc are in a horizontal position.
A pedal or brake arc in the upper position locks the aligning wheel, i.e. the left
front wheel of the head end of the bed. Ensure the aligning wheel lock by moving
the head end of the hospital bed sideways.
Due to land-specific differences, the aligning wheel may also be located in the
foot end of the bed. However, its operation is the same i.e. the aligning wheel
is locked when the brake pedal or brake arc is in the upper position.
Always lock the wheels when the bed is stationary.
Green pedal end down
aligning wheel lock on
Brake pedal in center position
wheels turn freely
Red pedal end down
wheels are locked
Figure 39.
Brake pedal, locking the wheels
Brake arc in upper position
aligning wheel locked
Brake arc in horizontal position
wheels turn freely
Brake arc in lower position
wheels are locked
Figure 40.
Brake arc, locking the wheels (wheels are locked in the Figure)