Logitek mixIT Audio Console System/JET67 Manual
Creating or Editing a Local Output
To create an output, click Add Output in either the Analog or Digital column.
To edit an output, click on the box for the output that you wish to edit.
You will see the output editor.
Fill in the following information:
Surface Label – two fields of 8 characters to identify the source internally on the
JetStream State page
Unique Name – give the source a unique name
Number of channels – select 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.
Assign the channels. For mono, set the Lf channel to the desired output number. For
stereo, set the LF and Rt channels to the desired outputs for left and right. If this is
analog, the channel number will correspond with the output number. If this is digital, 1
and 2 are the left and right channels of AES output 1; 3 and 4 are the left and right
channels of AES output 2.
Default Source – choose what audio should be fed to the output. This pick list has each
input along with the console mixes. Available console mixes:
Program Out – the main program mix
Aux 1 Out – the aux 1 mix bus
Aux 2 Out – the aux 2 mix bus
Aux 3 Out – the aux 3 mix bus
Studio Out – the studio monitor output. This corresponds to the Studio/Guest volume
knob on the console. Usually used for talk studio monitor speakers or for guest
Phones Out – the headphone monitor output. This corresponds to the Headphone
volume knob on the console. Usually used to feed the headphone amp of the console
Phones PF – pre-fader output of the headphone monitor. Often used to feed guest
headphone amps with individual volume controls. The audio will follow what the
operator selects in the headphone monitor input, but the volume knob will be ignored.
This way the board operator who is listening to Phones Out can turn the volume up and
down without disturbing the guest.
Monitor Out – the control room monitor output. This corresponds to the Monitor
volume knob on the console.
MM 1 – MM 24 – Mix Minus outputs 1-24. See the Mix Minus section under DSP
Settings to learn how to configure mix minuses.
Mixer A Out – This is a three channel submixer that sums the source routed to MixA1,
MixA2, and MixA3 on the Surface Settings page. Commonly used to sum together
microphones for telephone feeds, it’s a lot easier to tick 3 boxes on a web page than
bury a Shure mic mixer under the console like we all used to do to feed the phone!
Mono PGM – the program bus, summed to mono
Mono Ax1 – the Aux 1 bus, summed to mono
Router 1 Out – the output to Router 1, the left widget on the mixIT fader display.
Router 2 Out – the output to Router 2, the middle router widget on the mixIT fader