RTCU NX-900 Technical Manual V1.02
Advanced M2M/IIoT Gateway
Logic IO ApS.
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Analog I/O
Analog inputs
The RTCU NX-910 device has two analog inputs which can be configured individually to work
either as voltage or current measurement inputs by using the configuration jumper. The range in
voltage mode is 0-10VDC and in current mode 0-20mA.
The conversion resolution is 12 bit.
By default the analog inputs are configured as voltage inputs and are converted to a digital value
with a resolution of 10-bit before being presented to the application (0..1023). The application can
change the resolution to the full 12 bit (0..4095). Please consult the RTCU IDE for further details.
The input signal is connected between AINx and AGND. AGND must be connected to the
reference of the connected equipment. Please be aware that deviations may occur, as the system is
very noise sensitive. Avoid long, unshielded wires and high current, fast changing signals routed
parallel to the analog signals.
The inputs are low-pass filtered, ESD- and transient-protected.
As default the inputs are configured as voltage inputs. For placement and configuration of the
hardware jumpers inside the device, please refer to the device configuration guide in Appendix A.
Analog input terminals
Terminal Name
Jumper Setting
Analog input 1
Analog input 1
JPAI1 not installed (
JPAI1 installed
Analog input 2
Analog input 2
JPAI2 not installed (
JPAI2 installed
Analog ground