2 half logs (7.5 cm) 2 chimney pieces
11 2 notched logs (7.5 cm) 1 bottle of glue
6 1 notched logs (2.8 cm) 1 sign
4 “2 ridge” roof pieces 1 door
2 gables 1 door knob
– Small Parts. Not for children under 4 years.
Required tools:
scissors, damp cloth, straight edge (square), sand paper
(optional), tweezers (optional).
Helpful tips:
Read instructions, check all parts, and do a dry run before
gluing. Use only a small amount of glue. Glue one log and place before
gluing the next log. Keep each row of logs even and straight over the row
below (look from above for alignment). Periodically check that the door and
windows fit into the openings. Ensure the good side of the parts face out.
Tweezers may be useful for placing small parts. For the best fit and finish,
lightly sand the notches, the ends of the logs and other parts before gluing.
When finished enjoy your kit natural or paint some or all of it.
Building the Roof Panels
Step 1
With the ridges up, evenly glue two of the roof pieces together with the thin
edge of one against the wide edge of the other.
Repeat for the other roof panel. Carefully, set the roof panels aside and
clean any excess glue from the work surface.
Building the Logs
Step 2 (sides - row 1)
Arrange the two half logs (7.5 cm) on a flat surface as shown.
Step 3 (front & back - row 1)
Glue the notches of:
o one 2 notched log (7.5 cm); and
o two 1 notched logs (2.8 cm).
Place the 2 notched log at the back and the 1 notched logs in the front,
according to the diagram. Ensure the short ends of the 1 notched logs are
towards the center, creating a doorway.
Step 4 (sides - row 2)
Glue the notches of two 2 notched logs (7.5 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Step 5 (front & back - row 2)
Glue the notches of:
o one 2 notched log (7.5 cm); and
o two 1 notched logs (2.8 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Step 6 (sides - row 3)
Glue the notches of two 2 notched logs (7.5 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Step 7 (front & back - row 3)
Glue the notches of:
o one 2 notched log (7.5 cm); and
o the last two 1 notched logs (2.8 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Step 8 (sides - row 4)
Glue the notches of two 2 notched logs (7.5 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Step 9 (front & back - row 4)
Glue the notches of the last two 2 notched logs (7.5 cm).
Place the logs with notches down over the last row as shown.
Note: At this point, make sure the door fits into the opening before the Out
house dries.
Step 10 (front & back - row 5)
Spread a small amount of glue in the grooves of both gables.
Evenly place the gables onto the last row of logs. Ensure that the log side
is facing out and the gables are straight up.
Placing the Roof
Step 11
Spread a small amount of glue on the edge of the gables.
Center the two roof panels evenly over the gables so the thin edges meet
at the top.
Allow to dry.
The Final Touches
Step 12
Glue the door knob into the hole in the door so it sticks out equal distance
front and back.
Spread a small amount of glue around the outside edges of the door and
place it into the opening.
Glue the sign over the doorway.
Glue the straight end of one of the chimney pieces onto the second ridge
from the top of the roof. Glue the tapered end of the second chimney piece
to the tapered end of the first piece.