- Set date using a yy/mm/dd format.
Time Zone
- Set desired time zone. -5 for EST, -8 for PST, you can now add a :mm for setting part hour, for
example, 5:30 is a time zone at 5 hours and 30 minutes.
Use Daylight Savings
Time - Select to automatic adjust your system time on daylight savings day. (Not accurate in all time
Use MIL Time
- Select to use 24-hour format.
Use NTP Update
- Select to synchronize
time with NTP server
NTP Web Site
- This is the selected NTP server for updates.
NTP Interval
- Time interval between updates in minutes.
Log NTP Event
- Normally NTP exceptions will be logged, select this option to Log every NTP event. (May be useful in
Settings Page
Access this page from the
dropdown menu. Select these settings to enable various features in the Ultra 300
Use Active Main
No longer used. (Select PAUSE to go inactive.)
Require Login
If not selected the SERVER will allow all access without credentials.
Use IP Ranges
Not Implemented.
Not implemented.
Use Remote IP Ranges
Not implemented.
Use RESTful Authentication
Require username and password for RESTful.
Extend Relay Range
Enables 8 relays.
Use Relay Radio Buttons
If set, when one relay is turned on, all others are turned off.
SSL Port No
By default, it is set as 443, no needs to change
Use System emails
Enables additional email messages.
Use Fahrenheit
Selects Celsius or Fahrenheit.