Installation Guide Linear Rotary Motors
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NTI AG / LinMot
The PR02 linear rotary motor is designed for the simultaneous execution of linear and rotating movements.
This means that the rotary and linear movements can be executed simultaneously and completely
independently of each other. However, if the application permits, it is recommended to execute the rotary
movement with the linear rotary shaft retracted, if possible. The rotary and linear movements should also be
carried out one after the other. This reduces the bearing loads and achieves a longer service life of the linear
rotary shaft.
By combining linear and rotary motion, highly complex motion patterns, such as those required in sealing
and assembly applications, can be easily realized using LinMot linear rotary motors. In addition to the two
motors, further options such as an air feed-through, a magnetic spring "MagSpring", a torque sensor and a
force sensor can be integrated in the housing.
3.3 Internal Mechanical Stops
Do not drive into the internal mechanical stops!
It must be ensured that the linear motor does not move to the lower or upper internal stop
during operation, as otherwise the linear motor may be damaged! The internal stops may
only be used for homing purposes. The homing speed must not exceed the value of 0.01
3.4 Max. Speed
The mechanically maximum permissible speed of 1000 rpm must not be exceeded.
3.5 Option Load Compensation MagSpring®
The MagSpring option is a passive load compensation based on a magnetic spring with constant force over
the functional stroke range that can be integrated into the module. MagSprings are available in various force
levels and can either push or pull the linear rotary shaft. The MagSpring option can be used to compensate
the load mass. With the correct design, the motor current and thus its power loss can be reduced, by using a
MagSpring. This makes higher cycle rates possible.
If the MagSpring is sized properly, it can move the linear rotary shaft including the load mass into a collision-
free zone in the event of current loss.
Close to the stroke limit (idle state), the MagSpring has a reduced force to protect the
linear rotary motor from mechanical shocks in case of malfunction/control (self-
acceleration into mechanical stop).
If the maximum defined stroke (see data sheet) is exceeded, the MagSpring function
can no longer be guaranteed.
3.6 Option Hollow Shaft
Linear rotary motors can optionally be equipped with a pneumatic connection. This allows pneumatic
compressed air or vacuum to be fed directly through the linear rotary shaft. This avoids the complex passage
of hoses around the linear rotary shaft. This option can be used, for example, to control pneumatic grippers
or to pick up parts with the help of vacuum. For more information, see chapter 5.2 « Connecting the air ».
In the case of a vacuum application, it is recommended to use a unit with sufficient
power, as any air coupling points are known to produce minor losses.
Hollow shafts are not intended for the passage of liquid media.
3.7 Option Pusher
The optional pusher, which is technically a double-acting pneumatic cylinder, can be used as a second
independent linear movement. In the initial position, the pusher is 20 mm above the linear rotary shaft and
achieves a total stroke of 25 mm. It generates a force of 400 N at 6 bar and can be used, for example, to
eject gripped elements or for the mechanical actuation of grippers.
3.8 Option Torque Sensor
The optional, integrated torque sensor enables closed-loop torque control with target torque specification.
The measurement signal is also available to the user for the cyclical recording / evaluation of sensitive