LINHOF Super technika Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Super technika

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Страница 2: ...Operoting Instructions for SUPER 6x9 cm 71ltrx3114 ...

Страница 3: ...i t I s a z I 1 i L it j www orphancameras com ...

Страница 4: ... bed dropped posifion N ot provided on Techniko 2 I ox31 a We reserve the right to mqke chonges developments i n n o r m o l o r Floshgun brocket Comero body of corrosion proof lighl melol die costing Lock knob for swing bock Swingingond tilting bock Automoticspring lock for swing bock Revolvingbock detochoble Ground glossspring bock Hinged focusinghood frame Locking lever for interchonge of comer...

Страница 5: ...e you pul it to acfuql use Once you ore fomilior wilh your comero oU will enjoy its eose of hondling ond smooth operolion for mony yeors to come TECHNICAL DATA Super TechnikoTechniko 2 I ox31 la 2 loX3r n wilhMultifocus withoul Rongefinder Rongefinder Ttlo 182mm 5tlr 142mm 5 lo 135 mm 5 lo 135 mm Ttlr 90mm 3tl 90mm Weight without lens 64 ozs 53ozs 1800groms 1500groms Bef fows Extension 12 300mm Bo...

Страница 6: ...A downword ond lef the comero bed down gently until the side slrufs E lock in fhe first notches The finder lens cover opens when lightly pressedot side B To pull out lensstondord presslhe lwo grips F ond slide ihe stondord onlo lhe trock of the cqmero bed The trock hos os mqny infinify stops G os there qre lensessuppliedwith the comero Pull oul the stondcrd uniil if clicks into the infinity slop f...

Страница 7: ...efinder imoges when lhe two imoges ore brought i nfo coincidence lo form o single i moge by focusingthe lens wiih f he focusing knob lhe lens is outomoticolly ond crificolly focused The bright rongefinderimoge is especiolly help ful in dim light where groundgloss focusing would be difficult Rongefinder focusing with the normol ond wide ongle lenscon be usedos close os lhree feet ond lessfrom the s...

Страница 8: mqsk Normol Lenses 90 mm pull out eyepiece tube to engroved red line use 65 105 mm mosk 100 mm pull out eyepiece fube qll the woy use 100 mm mosk 105 mm pull out eyepiece f ube oll the woy use 65 105 mm mqsk Telephoto Lens 180 mm pull out eyepiece tube oll the woy use180 mm mosk The AUTOMATIC DISTANCE SCALE A is octuofed by the focusing mechonism ond od justs oufomqficollyfor onother lens when ...

Страница 9: ...ens ond lens boord 2 Push lens sfondord oll the yoy into the comero body so fhqt rongefinder feeler cleorscom disk 3 Roisehinged C ring of disk locking cop B turn counter clockwise see orrow fwo or fhree lurns 4 Push ejecfor button C to liff com disk www orphancameras com ...

Страница 10: ...lor coded for convenienlmotching lnsert new lens by seotinglower edge of its lensboord in bottom groove of lens stond ord lift lock bor A to odmit top edge of lensboord BLACK stops qnd lens morkings Wide Angle Lens REDstopsond lensmqrkings Normol Lens GREENstopsond lensmorkings Telephoto Lens lf more thqn three lenses ore coupledto fhe comero rsecond com disk must be used Com disksqre reodily infe...

Страница 11: ...s Turn milled filting knob A wise oll the woy Pressdown lrock releqse B ond push uPPer trock fowords cqmero body until it clicks into o secondory fixed position The comero is now reody for operofion wifh f he wide ongle lens To bring the comero bock to normol position first depresslrock releose B ond pull uPPer f rock forword until it clicks into normol posi tion Tu rn tilf ing knob A clockwise ol...

Страница 12: ...ion of 280 mm 11 inches con be utilized wifh f he swing bock pulled out fhe exlension is increosed to 300 mm 12 inches Thus telephoto lenses up fo 360 mm focql length moy be used ground gloss focusing only Also by using wide ongle lenses with triple extension mocrophoiogrophs with o re production rotio of opproximotely 3 5 1 mo t be obfoined ...

Страница 13: ...piecetube h oll fhe woy in Groundglossspring bock Hinged focusinghood frome permiftinguse of mognifierfor criticql groundglossobser vqtion Focusinghood open Locking lever for interchongeobleground glossbock ond Rollexroll film holder g Accessory shoeforfloshgun exposuremeter or spirit level h Adiustoble viewfindereyepiece with porollox correction i Adjustoble swing bqckfrome t l i c d e f www orph...

Страница 14: ...dend ond insertdqrk slide qll the woy 4 Follow the some procedure for other side of holder 5 The ejectorlever A connot be movedwhen the hofder is looded Thus it is eosyto check if o hofder is loqdedor not To UN LOAD Pullout dqrk slideobout1 inch to releosehinged end push up ejector fever Film or ploteis pushedout ond con reodilybe wifhdrown without donger of touching emut sionsidewith thumb ioili ...

Страница 15: ...1 4 exPosure 1 Cock the shutter 2 Insert holder ond wilhdrow dork slide in one motion illustrotion 1 ond 2 CAUTION Be sure shutter is closedwhen in serting holder operotes www orphancameras com ...

Страница 16: ...the numbers lN This will tell you ot o glonce fhot film hos been exposed ond prevents errors In oddilion eqch hinged end of the LINHOF doubte hotder feolures o built in numbering tob which cor responds to fhe number on the dork slide During the exposure the number is outomofi colly printed on the negotive This hepls con siderobly in identifying negolivesqfler develop menl By using double holders i...

Страница 17: ...up spool A block side oulword Threod leoder first through long slit of foke up spool Turn toke up spool in the direction of the orrow morked on side of corrioge unfil morker eifher or oPPeors in fhe film window df the corrioge The window is locofed belween f he cenler poriition ond the toke uP spool Now reinsert looded corrioge into the holder by pulling out film lronsport knob E ogoin ond f hen p...

Страница 18: ...osifion oDd is provided with crick stops For verticql exposures the slide fqb is of ihe lop covering the viewfinder eyepiece qs o reminderfhot the dork slidemusfbe pulredouf before exposure Similorly for horizonfol ex posures the tob is of lhe lefl prevenling use of the comero leofher hondle ogoin o reminder t o p u l l o u t t h e s l i d e The dork slide MUST be inserled when the Rollex is deloc...

Страница 19: ...oded Rollex con be otfoched ond locked in instontly this chonge moy even be mode with the comero hond held to sove votuoble time This ropid inferchonge offers o wide choice of film ond film holders Ro I f ex 2r laXSt lo 6 x 9 cm or 2t lexzt lo 6 x 6 cm for block ond white or color double holders 2t laxS lo 6 lrx 9 cm for cut film ond plotes olso block ond white or color film pock odopters 2t lexSt...

Страница 20: ...nformotion on fhis subject will be found in the LINHOF TECHNIQUE Doto Sheetsovoiloble through your Linhof deoler To operole swinging bock Loosen lock knobs B on oll fou r corners presson cotch locks A while pulling out bock C which con now be tilted or swung in ony direclion When the desired position hos been estoblished f he bock con be locked in thot posilion by meons of the four lock knobs B qn...

Страница 21: ...posilion for 53 lrllru Biogon oPerotion see Poge 10 2 Pull lens sfondordholf woy oul on the uPPer trqck 3 Pressdown on bed siruls until f hey engoge in second notches 4 Tili lens slondordoll the woy bock by turning knob 5 Roiselens stondord10 mm tl inch opproximolelY 6 Slip lower edge of lensboordinto boltom groove of stondord observing lhot the flosh ioble socketis on f he uPPerside 7 Lower the r...

Страница 22: neorly flush with the lens mount Normol lensesup fo 150 mm ond telephofo lensesup lo 180 mm 240 mm telephoto lenses only upon speciol request con be coupled to the Mu ltifocus Rongefinder Longer lensescon be used with groundglossfocusing only The new Zeiss lenses 53 mm f 14 5Biogon 100mm f 12 8Plonor ond180mm f l4 SSonnor ore especiolly recommended fo the photo gropher who desires fo brooden th...

Страница 23: ...ynchronized MX shulters permif synchronizolion of oll flosh sources of ony shulter speed Floshphofogrophy is not limifed to indoor or night use Use of floshtofill in shodows porfic ulorly in color phofogrophy will oftengreotly i mprove results U p to fou r flosh units con be used simulfoneously becquse eoch Linhof exfensionflosh unit hos its own condenser To ochieve pleosing modelling for flosh sh...

Страница 24: ...comero hondle lt permits con venienf one hondoperotionof the comero For speciolqpplicolionso right hond grip moy be mounted on the comero s flosh brocket T h e h o n dg r i p i sq v o i l o b l e f o r t up e r T e c h n i k o o n d T e c h n i k o 2 l o x 3 1 4 x 5 o n d 5 x 7 ond moy olso be mounted on older rnodelsof these comerqs lts hond fitfing prociicol design wi ll be found of g reot volue...

Страница 25: ...Plonor Tessor Techniko Xenor Techniko Xenofor Apo Lonthqr TechnikoSymmor Telepholo Lenses Sonnor Technikq Tele Arton Techniko Tele Xenor Telomor Techniko Rolelor 53m m 65 mm 90 mm 47 mm 65 mm 90 mm 100mm 105mm 105imm 105m m 105m m 105mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 180mm 4 5 6 8 6 8 I 8 I 2 8 3 5 3 5 2 8 4 5 5 6 4 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 Compur 0 Compur 00 Corn pur 0 Compur 00 Compur 00 Compur00 Compur 1 Com...
