LMS6002D Quick Starter Manual for Evaluation Board
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© Copyright Lime Microsystems
Rev: 2.2
Last modified: 03/05/2012
Ctr6002dr2 – Software Description
This section describes the ctr6002dr2 software tool and each of the buttons and embedded
controls. Most of the pages in the tool can be read across to the top level sections of the SPI
programming map, with the exception of the ‘System page’ and the ‘Board’ page.
System Interface
The System interface page allows configuring the synthesizers to the 3GPP bands by channel
number and has buttons for bottom, middle and top frequencies for each. This makes changing
frequency for the commonly used test channels simpler.
Automatic calibration (the calibrations the device carries out itself under SPI prompting) is also
done from this page.
Figure 21 GUI System window.
Downlink and Uplink Frequency setting by band/channel number.
The synthesizers can be configured by channel number to the correct frequency in each 3GPP
band. Buttons are provided for bottom, middle and top frequencies for each band. This makes
changing frequency for the commonly used test channels easier.