LMS6002D Quick Starter Manual for Evaluation Board
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P a g e
© Copyright Lime Microsystems
Rev: 2.2
Last modified: 03/05/2012
J8 – Sourcing 5V Supply from Baseband Board
Figure 7 Connector J8 circuit diagram
J16 – USB Connector
A type B USB connector is used to connect the PC to the evaluation board. It enables the
LMS6002D to be programmed via the 6002Dr2 test GUI software that comes with the Quick
Starter kit.
Hardware options: Clocking, TCXO & SPI.
This section describes the configurations and set up procedures for:
TCXO frequency and data clocks distribution (Section 3.4).
TCXO Locking method (Section 3.6)
SPI connection options (Section 3.7).
The default mode the board is shipped with means basic operation using an external digital I/O
source via connector J5 (digital I/O (I&Q) TX 12 Bit & Select and RX 12 Bit & Select). Various
options are available depending on the system configuration required for testing or development
work. The options are summarized below and the following sections will describe the board
modifications required to achieve these configurations. Please note these are hardware options
which are implemented via the following:
Specific components to be fitted or not fitted.
J8 is used to power up board from baseband
platform. Use jumper to power it up as shown
by connecting pins 1 & 2 and/or pins 3 & 4.