This instruction guide is valid for Liko HygieneVest
and ”TeddyVest” Hygiene, but in the following text we
will only use the name Liko HygieneVest.
Liko HygieneVest is designed for safe lifting and
transfer to and from the toilet.
In terms of function and safety, the HygieneVest
offers unique advantages and works well in compli-
cated problem situations where no other alternatives
are appropriate. The HygieneVest has an outer vest
section that surrounds and firmly supports the upper
body during lifting. A generous opening around the
seat leaves much of the lower body free for dressing
and undressing during the actual lifting operation in
connection with visits to the toilet.
Liko HygieneVest is the preferred choice of many
patients because it enables a stable, upright sitting
posture. HygieneVest can also be the best choice for
severely functionally disabled amputees or those who
have problems with spasticity (best choice, Mod. 55).
Even patients with limited torso stability and poor
muscle tone can usually manage lifts with the
HygieneVest, and they find it secure and comfortable.
The HygieneVest is intended for sit-to-sit lifting.
The sitting posture is almost fully upright, which facili-
tates lifts to the toilet and positioning in a wheelchair.
Since the HygieneVest is not placed over the hips, it
is ideal for lifting to and from custom-moulded seats
and close-fitting wheelchairs.
Liko HygieneVest in sizes XXS and XS are made of a
Teddy bear patterned Polyester fabric and this is why
these slings are called ”TeddyVest” Hygiene. In these
sizes, the leg supports are reinforced and padded
with a teddy bear patterned polyester fabric. Slings
in sizes S to XXXL are made of green polyester and
the leg supports are reinforced and padded with a
curduroy fabric.
These material combinations apply to the same sizes
in model 55.
Liko HygieneVest High Back, Mod 55/
”TeddyVest” Hygiene High Back, Mod. 55
Liko HygieneVest with High Back is the right choice
for those who need support to prevent the head from
tilting back. For patients who have problems with
spasticity, try Model 55.
Mod. 50
Mod. 55
Product Description
Liko HygieneVest, Mod. 50, 55
”TeddyVest” Hygiene, Mod. 50, 55
Instruction Guide
”Caution!” triangles are used to warn of situations that demand extra care and attention.
In this document, the person being lifted is referred to as the ”patient” and the person helping them is referred to
as the ”caregiver”.
Before using lifts and lifting accessories, read the instructions for both the sling and the lift that will
be used. Instruction guides can be downloaded, free of charge, at www.liko.com.