5. Functional description
5.1. Overview
The SF40/C uses a scanning laser rangefinder to measure on a 360 degree disc with a radius of 100 meters.
Collected data is stored in memory and continually refreshed as the laser scans around. The speed of rotationis 5.5
revolutions per second at a resolution of +-3 cm. This data can be used to triggerpredefined alarm zones, give
informationabout target distances in any direction or streamed to a host controller with selectable outputrates.
5.2. Data streaming
Measurement data accumulated by the SF40/C can be outputto a host controller for immediate or deferred analysis.
The rate at which data is output can be selected as 20010, 10005, 6670 or 2001 points per second.
5.3. Alarms
Seven configurable alarms zones can be set within the measuring plane to alert obstacle proximity.Each zone can
be set with an individualized alarm distance, angular width and aiming direction. Typically, one zone would cover
360 degrees around the vehicle at close range to alert when people get too close to the moving parts. Additionally, a
forward lookingalarm zone is used to detect obstacles in the direction of motion.Other alarm zones can check that
specific directions are clear of obstructionsbefore course changes are made.
The status of the alarms can be read from the serial port througha command or from the streaming data. Once the
SF40/C is running the alarms are updated continuously withoutthe need for any external commands.
5.4. Virtual laser range finder
The virtual laser range finder (VLRF) tool is used to findthe distance in any direction on the measuring plane. VLRF
can assist with keeping station at a fixed distance froma target or measuring how far away an obstacle is. Any
number of VLRFs can be created that aim in differentdirections. This allows for accurate position holding within a
confined space and provides confirmationof GPS location using adjacent buildings or other known structures as
reference points.
Product manual
SF40/C -Product manual
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