11. Appendix
MX-FR Series Modular Matrix Frames – User's Manual
Applied CPU2 firmware: v3.5.7b8 | LDC software: v2.5.17b2
MXD-AUDIO-IB volume handling is modified. The volume can be adjusted/reported between 0-6300
and 0-7800 in 0.01dB steps.
Added 3D support for MX-HDMI-IB, MX-DVI-HDCP-IB, MX-HDMI-TP-IB, MX-CPU2 test input and preview
output, MX-HDMI-OB, MX-DVI-HDCP-OB, MX-HDMI-TP-OB boards. The detected format is reported back
in :HDMI command using the "reserved for future use" byte after colorspace. 1920x1080p, 1280x720p
and 640x480p formats are supported in frame-packing, top-bottom, side-by-side mode.
Protocol#2 switching commands didn't handle DL outputs at all.
Commands were sometimes not recognized, there was no response (about every 10.000th switch).
Preset load and Diagonal switch commands didn't consider DualLink ports.
Protocol#2 commands were interpreted while using Protocol#1- now only Protocol#1 commands are
Syntax error in a*b% Protocol#2 command reply
ISD and OSD responses didn't include the test input/preview output port.
More than 32 preset could be saved in FR80R frame from front panel control board. Now it is only 32.
CB issue: muted output button didn't blink when the source input button was pressed twice.
DVI-I boards sometimes reported HDMI signals when DVI signal was present.
MX-DVII-HDCP-IB board treated DVI signal as limited range colorspace. (Colors could be brighter/
darker.) Now it is treated as full range - This involves only digital DVI signals.
Preview output and HDCP output boards sometimes didn't detect the sent signal - especially with some
formats and reversed VSYNC polarity.
Downloading a long logfile on RS232 (especially with lower baudrates) or on LAN could cause a false
TASK RESET error message.
I2C speed has been reduced to 100 kHz during retrying the communication when NACK received from
a SiI9134 or a SiI9135.
MXD_HDMI_TP_IB support.
The default LCD menu page was the main menu structure on the 4-line LCD. Now it is the the Router
Status page - similarly to the old 2-line display.
PWR_ON command didn't work in MX-FR80 frame after a PWR_OFF command.
I2C speed was reduced to achive more robostusness.
SignalPresent and EDID menu problem in case of autotake mode has been solved.
Released: 2011-07-25
New feature
Command {ST} now reports 'N/A' value instead of '0.00V' for the voltages that are not available in the
FR80R frame.
Complete status is saved to the SD card after the booting process if an error occurs.
Timezones are supported (by adding UTC+nnnn to the end of the time, e.g. 22.07.2011. 15:33:52
Changing time is logged to the SD card.
Batch command processing for switch commands works on both Protocol#1 and Protocol#2.
There is no E_S_C when a user EDID is uploaded.
Front panel IP reset (ctr lock + output lock) works now
MX-DVI-OPT-IB SCH_2.2 laser powers weren't applied after boot.
Buffer goes to invalid state in case of buffer overflow
USB enumeration failed at boot cycle
'No card found' error is only a warning and not a fatal error.
Released: 2011-09-22
New feature
Batch commanding applies wait for next command for faster execution.
If a power supply looses AC then an error is generated. If it never had AC then no error is generated
(only a warning).
Error levels sent to communication interfaces can be configured independently to each port by a new
RS232 baudrate can be adjusted from Lightware protocol by {RS232BAUD=.....} command.
FACTORY=GENERAL command reloads the router default general settings (rs232 baudrate, take mode,
control lock, communication protocols).
'PSU not seated/powered' warning is logged only once now.
Timezone may have set to UTC+0256 after a firmware upgrade from earlier versions.
The input buffers weren't flushed after a front-panel protocol switch. Earlier sent commands may have
been executed. Now it is fixed.
EDID switch on all inputs caused COMMTASK reset.
HDMI LED remained ON when the source was disconnected. The problem occurred when the incoming
signal was content protected and the input was switched to multiple output.
MX-HDMI-TP-OB: there was no PSC event and the response for {PS} was all '0'
4line LCD didn't respond to menu button press in some cases.
4line LCD EDID switch menu showed '0' for the destination after startup and there was no 'ALL' option.
Battery low voltage warning is logged (and displayed on the LCD) as 'BATTERY LOW' instead of