Short Manual LAI-2000
1. Startup:
There are 5 connectors on the end of the control unit. See figure 1.
X and Y in fig. 1 (two 15 pin D connector)
for the LAI-2050 optical sensors
1 and 2 in fig. 1 (BNC connectors)
used with any LI-COR light sensor.
RS-232C Port in fig. 1 (25 pin D connector)
for data communication equipment (DCE)
Figure 1: LAI-2000 control unit.
1. Connect a LAI-2050 to the X connector
2. Press the ON key (upper right corner)
3. To turn the instrument OFF, press FCT followed by a 0 and a 9.
2. Instrument Settings:
Press SETUP to go to a list of tasks that the LAI-2000 can do and that have something to do
with instrument setting
to scroll through the list. Make a choice by putting the desired function on the top
of the list, press ENTER
Important settings
Check the resolution setting. Press SETUP key, position 04 resolution on the top line,
ENTER. Set resolution preferably on high.