Hotel Directory
(Depending on model)
Set the information to display at Hotel Directory app.
Facility or Service Name
Set the facility or service name.
Details or Extension
Set the detailed information.
Related Photo
You can select None, downloaded images or Download (Go to TV Manager).
You can download the directory images at TV Manager app.
Portal Editor
(Depending on model)
If you press ‘Portal Editor’ menu, each portal editor is launched according to ‘Portal Mode’.
Customizable Portal
You can set Vertical when selecting focus. Select between Hotel or Hospital.
You can set Template when selecting focus. Select between Bar Type or Tile Type.
You can set this mode to On/Off when selecting Customizable Portal.
You can download the video at TV Manager app.
Welcome Message, Hotel Name
You can set the welcome messages and hotel name.
You can select images for Default/Downloaded image.
You can download the icon at TV Manager app.
You can add app on lists.