MS- E10 User Guide
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Setting the enabled runtime profiles
Enabled runtime profiles specify what types of N4 software module JAR are to be installed, as shown in the following image. This
affects the total file space consumed by the installed module JAR files.
Figure 14: Enabled runtime profiles
All Niagara 4 platforms require the base “RUNTIME” (-rt) module JARs, so it is pre-selected/read-only.
For QNX-based MS-E10 devices, you can also select “UX” (-ux) and “WB” (-wb) module JARs, but not “SE” (- se) module JARs.
Note that following commissioning, you can also change the enabled runtime profiles, working from the Platform Administration
view. For details, see the Niagara Platform Guide.
At the Enabled Runtime Profiles step:
Step 1: Click all module profile types to be installed in this device, which include one or more of these: NOTE: The selection of
UX automatically includes WB, and vice-versa.
RUNTIME — Always selected. Note if UX (or UX and WB) are not selected, the device will not support client Web browser
access from its WebService—only client access from Workbench via Fox.
UX — Select to support Web client browser access, using HTML5, Javascript, and CSS technologies only (client does not need to
run Java and download WbApplet from the device).
WB — Select (in addition to UX) if the device must also support client Web browser access from its WebService.
SE — Not available for QNX-based devices.
DOC — Selectable, but not recommended on the device for file space reasons.
Step 2 Click the Next button for the next step.