BUiLt-in HDtV DiGitaL ViDeo recorDer (DVr)
Record from cable or antenna to a built-in 160 GB hard disk drive with TV Guide On Screen
interactive program guide. Records up to 15 hours of HD programming or 66 hours of
standard definition programming.
Allows for convenient control of other LG SimpLink products using the existing HDMI
LG’S excLUSiVe xD enGine
Six distinct processes contribute to picture improvement. LG’s XD Engine
takes the low
resolution of analog signals to near HD levels by improving brightness, contrast, detail and
enhancing color as well as reducing signal noise. This total solution results in cinema-like high
resolution images.
iMaGe SticKinG MiniMiZation
Provides protective measures to minimize damage as a result of stationary images.
• Built-in HD DVR (160 GB)
• TV Guide On Screen
• 1366 x 768 Resolution
• 10,000:1 Contrast Ratio
• 60,000 Hours to Half Brightness
• ATSC/NTSC/QAM Clear Tuner
• XD Engine
• SRS TruSurround XT
• LG SimpLink
• 2 HDMI with HDCP
60” PLaSMa inteGrateD HDtV